not bitter at vols . Call it a truth pill instead. Its a very honest evaluation of those events. The full time jobs was a terrific marketing campaign that carey had allready put in place long before . In fact the professional marketing campaign was probably the biggest indicator that carey did not plan to negotiate a contract but wanted to walk out. You don't set that up in a couple of days. He had that set up well ahead of the strike with every intent to walk. He needed public support and he needed to get the part timers supporting the cause when p/ters were never involved otherwise. But the real issue was always the pension. carey told everyone that the bogeyman ups was trying to steal the pension. In fact his actions stole it and here we are ten years later hoping ups can somehow work some magic and fix it.
Should we forget history and make the same stupid mistakes again just so I don't sound bitter. Should I neuter this answer somehow so you feel better when you read it or should I be honest in my evaluation of where we now stand. If you don't like the honesty if it hurts your feelings tell me and i'll try to turn it down a little. I try to be honest with everything I say. I've told you when I think management does something that embarasses me. I've apologized to people here when I or some other managment person does something thats wrong. I don't believe in sugercoating. its really a waste of time but bitter is not part of the equation.
Ah but history must be revisted so you learn from your mistakes. 10 years ago ups was serious about helping the teamsters fix the pensions. All we heard was about the bogeyman in the woods while the careyman picked your pocket.
So as we again go into this discussion about the same issue 10 years later there will be some that again give us the bogeyman scare tactic to again try to keep the teamsters in formation as they walk off the cliff.
So yes I know it hurts to think you were fooled by ron carey back then but you have to go through the process so you can learn from it and grow stronger.
Tie if you want to remember history, wasnt it ups that said this is our last and final offer? Wasnt it also ups that said take it or leave it? Wasnt it also ups that said you wont go on strike the teamsters arent as strong as they once were and that upsers dont care about the teamsters and would cross the picket lines in droves? What would you have done in careys position? He did what any of us here would have done when dealing with arrogance like that! You know what it worked we stuck together on the picket line for over two weeks and since that strike we have gotten well over 10,000 new fulltime jobs for our part-time workforce, the starting pay was raised .50 for p-timers in 97(was not raised in 02), we have 9.5 language, we have 8 hour requests now, p-timers now receive prescription cards(02 contract) i could go on and on.
Ups since the strike of 97 has also gained in this, even with the friend-timers going up roughly $9 an hour. Ups has profited $28 billion since 1997 while making us the highest paid in the industry. So you sit here and blame ron carey for the pension crisis when the truth is who knows how it would have been handled if he wasnt black listed by the government for basically calling ups's bluff!
Alot of people blame ron for what has happened since 97 which is very unfair, but the truth be told he could have forced feed us a bs contract or he could have stood upto the the mighty ups machine with endless resources. Im glad he had the stones to do what he did by pulling us out on strike. You will not meet to many people that work for ups that have been wronged in one way or another and were glad to get back at the company by walking that line. For that 2 plus week period you actually felt something special was happening, friend-timers and p-timers standing side by side in unity to help each other out. I meet alot of people out there that are now very good friends of mine, friends that i will have after i leave ups and friends that i will have until the day i die!
Tie you always seem to see the company as never having any flaws, the fact is ups pushed ron to striking and you know it!!!! Ups was shocked when the country came around us and showed support by walking our line with us, so if you want to blame ron, you better be able to take the blinders off and admit that ups is also responsible for the strike. You better ask ups if they have learned from the past, because i for one would walk the picket line again if its needed!