Center Mgr Quits


Tie again your talking out your backside! You (ups management) have done alot more to the customers and have lost us alot more jobs than our strike in 97 and your perceived possible strike of 02!

90 percent of all customers single carrier shippers shipping with ups. then 15 percent now. You can't argue with those results red. You created them. Ron Carey did more for fdx then Fred S ever did.


Browncafe Steward
Red I must say its dissapointing to see you still have not learned your lesson after all this time. Your brothers in CS are suffering as a result of Careys drive for glory. You continue to live in denial while your brothers in CS suffers the affects of Carey. So while you give lip service to their cause its clear you have not learned anything and really don't care about their plight since your retirement is presently ok.

Your living in denial! Your management team dared him to strike and offered us a sub-par contract so he left it ups to us and we voted to strike! You being a manager always having to put the ups spin on it and attempting to brainwash us into believeing thet you care about us! Well tie anyone that has been here for a while knows that ups cares about the numbers, and really does not care about us the employees!

90 percent of all customers single carrier shippers shipping with ups. then 15 percent now. You can't argue with those results red. You created them. Ron Carey did more for fdx then Fred S ever did.

When did you come up with these numbers after the strike or after pas/edd? Bet you it was after edd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Red you can't rewrite history. Careys strike was a major failure that we are still trying to fix today. In fact his obsession with seeking his own personal glory is the reason fdx is doing so well today. Fdx should at least send the disgraced carey a christmas card each year in thanks.


Well-Known Member
Tie-are you saying this test is biased towards say IE and against those with a production background? If that is so my feelings for the future prospects of the company are not good.
I agree. I have noticed that we have a lot of new managers that have virtually no driving and in many cases no part time warehouse experience either.


Well-Known Member
Did they just start the new tests? We had several new drivers go into mgm't from our center over the past year and none of them failed the tests. These guys were certainly not the sharpest tools in the shed.
We have a manager that I am told actually rode the short bus to school. No lie. His buddy confirmed it!