climate catastrophe


Well-Known Member
How far back do the records go?

Just an eyeblink on a geologic scale. There have been warmer and colder periods in the past but they weren't tracked by thermometers.
they have it way before industrial era. i think its the CO2 which is closely tied to industrialization.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
sounds like another late american empire conspiracy story. i havent heard that but certainly a possibility

can we imagine that systems might not work lol
There’s much you haven’t heard. That story has been around for many decades, unlike you, dumbbell


sounds like another late american empire conspiracy story. i havent heard that but certainly a possibility

can we imagine that systems might not work lol
Then you're not paying attention. They're not even hiding it anymore. Klaus Schwab wants to kill every person you care about and make you eat bugs.