Personally I think there should be something to protect workers from things like this. It’s an assault of the nose. Similar to if someone walked up and kicked you in the shins, or sprayed something in your eyes. I had a coworker like this and it was horrible. I literally just waited in my cars and tried to avoid him as much as possible.
I also think it’s gross when you’re around coworkers that fart a lot or the ones that burp really loudly. Loud gum chewers or people that blow bubbles are also annoying. Coworkers that don’t stop talking are also annoying or the ones that don’t really respect boundaries and stand in your area while you’re trying to work.
Coworkers that stand around and do nothing and then complain when they have to do something are also imho very annoying. Don’t like nosy coworkers, coworkers that try to make you look bad in front of management such as taking pictures of bad loads or instances of poor egress.
I’m sure there’s more but these are the worst.
I’ve had some pretty nice positions in the hub that I’ve given up because of trying to avoid certain coworkers. There is nothing worse honestly than trying to do your job everyday while also having to deal with things like this.