Bravo you know about the cs plan! Heres 1 fact that you left out! You do not know what the benefits of this new plan will be, it should be better( we hope) but it could be similar or worse, the point is you have no idea and you have already made up your mind! I think its you that need to take your head out of your backside!
Yes and no Red. The company has already said that there plan will return to the same levels as we had before the Nov. 04' cuts. Now the devil is in the details so your concerns are well founded and "EVERYONE" should take a wait and see approach.
I think for now a lot of folks covered by CS have spent the last 3 years not only upset that the whole situation let them down but moreso concerned that it could get worse. Now some new pension plan doesn't mean we go back to sleep because what we have to remember is that there were 3 parties involved in the CS disaster, CS obviously but also the IBT and UPS and now These latter 2 want to be in total charge and exclude CS. I know there'll be great debate about UPS' specific involvement and that's fair but the fact is that in contract talks a lot of details are covered that aren't publically mentioned.
Over the years since the 97' strike I've spoken with lots of UPS management folks who've voiced concerns over the pension situation based on info circulated by the company. Some was posturing, granted but some was rather accurate over time and where did this info come from? Again, they see things we don't and just what does that say about our union leadership?
Some folks look at the 97' efforts of UPS regarding the pension from a conspiratorial viewpoint and with evil intent. This is easy to do when you have a good pension fund and I too would oppose at this point any efforts by UPS to do anything with those good performing funds.
I think we've way over esculated this situation right now as UPS even on UPSer' have said that there is no agreement even with CS. I think they have an understanding where everything needs to go but this still requires considerable talks with the IBT to work out "ALL" the details involved to make this happen "IF" it happens. At best I think this issue is up to bat but a longway from putting our feet on home plate.
I'd encourage everyone covered by CS to sit back and let things develop and then go over it multiple time with a magnifying glass looking at the fine print. Accept nothing from either side and make them prove everything. This is our one and only shot folks so we can't accept people's word and go on that. Those days of pure trust are over with IMO.
As to those outside CS, point out "KNOWN" flaws, that should be appreciated by the CSers but don't come here looking to feather your own bed at our expense. I've always been very vocal against any move or measure that would take benefits or other monies away from other non-CSers (UPS or not) for that fact to benefit me in CS so don't stand there when I'm looking and considering all options to make my life better.
For the APWAer's. Go away! You are just as bad IMHO at muddying up the waters as the hardcore IBT union thugs. You both have motives that have nothing to do with helping but rather hurting what lay ahead for the CS covered UPSer. Instead of spending your time telling me all that is wrong with CS and the IBT, and yes you can write a book on that, you'd be well served to focus on getting all the hard facts and selling what you have to offer. From the looks of the vote in KC you might be well served in doing that before you have your hat handed to you in Pittsburg.
To eveyone else, let this thing develop in the contract talks, call your local and express your concerns. Email the international. Call the international. One biggee with me is the overly excessive work rules for retirees. We've got a chance right now to kill that nonsense so to quote Larry the Cable Guy let's, "Git Er' Done!"