
So the flu is just as prevalent as ever and all cases are being misrepresented as Covid? The entire medical industry worldwide is in on this conspiracy to what end exactly?
Money power Socialized medicine and every other left wing cause you can think of. Pay people not to work...Demand mail in elections that are a license to cheat. I could go on for hours


I'm a star
So you think the flu was as prevalent this year as last? Where are the lab tests that show masks don’t catch droplets?

How much testing was done for flu? How many people presenting with flu like symptoms were counted as presumptive covid cases with no testing at all? The world may never know.

The government needed stats to be scary enough to get people to agree to egregious violations of their rights, they offered money to get the results they wanted after forcing hospitals and doctor's offices into a position of going bankrupt or playing ball. None of which supports a claim of being motivated by public health. Even after coercion and bribery, they couldn't get the numbers to be very scary, so the media had to gaslight everyone into being scared by a virus that mostly kills people over the average life expectancy, and even the ones in that category, only less than 1% who ostensibly caught it supposedly died of it. Worst excuse for trampling rights ever, but People were begging to have their rights stripped away.

I've already covered the issue of droplets. The droplets that masks can catch aren't a significant source of spread, and can be caught better if people do what has always been suggested, coughing and sneezing into their elbow. Masks don't slow the spread period. They knew that a year ago, the still know it. Some people have been lying this whole time, and plenty others bought it, and became volutary enforcers. I know you knew all that already, and are just trolling, but it beats repeating anyway.
How much testing was done for flu? How many people presenting with flu like symptoms were counted as presumptive covid cases with no testing at all? The world may never know.

The government needed stats to be scary enough to get people to agree to egregious violations of their rights, they offered money to get the results they wanted after forcing hospitals and doctor's offices into a position of going bankrupt or playing ball. None of which supports a claim of being motivated by public health. Even after coercion and bribery, they couldn't get the numbers to be very scary, so the media had to gaslight everyone into being scared by a virus that mostly kills people over the average life expectancy, and even the ones in that category, only less than 1% who ostensibly caught it supposedly died of it. Worst excuse for trampling rights ever, but People were begging to have their rights stripped away.

I've already covered the issue of droplets. The droplets that masks can catch aren't a significant source of spread, and can be caught better if people do what has always been suggested, coughing and sneezing into their elbow. Masks don't slow the spread period. They knew that a year ago, the still know it. Some people have been lying this whole time, and plenty others bought it, and became volutary enforcers. I know you knew all that already, and are just trolling, but it beats repeating anyway.

I wouldn't doubt it if here in New York and New Jersey people were actually murdered in hospitals and nursing homes, that's how corrupt and sick the government is here and how desperate for federal money they are to offset their failure to balance a budget
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I'm a star
I think most of what you said is merely your opinion, and not supported by every scientific study. You play loose with words in your posts. You say 'fact' when you mean opinion, you say 'every' when you mean 'I found an outlier'.

You and dido are quite the team. I'm amazed that somehow you two ended up being steering wheel holders. One would think you would be running your own business, or teaching at university level.

Nope, you might have difficulty distinguishing between facts and opinions, I don't. Every single RC study that has ever been done on the matter has shown no significant difference between mask and no mask in slowing the spread of both ILI and the one they did for coronavirus had the same result. Fact, not opinion. The information isn't hard to find, which leads me to believe that people who aren't aware of these facts are being intentional in their ignorance.

As for my intellectual capabilities, if being a truck driver means I'm incapable of drawing my own conclusions from available information, then you certainly lack the capability to challenge my conclusions. I always get a good chuckle when people pull that truck driver nonsense out.

I might have become a doctor, but the only way I could afford the training was to stay military, and that wasn't for me.
I considered taking the LSAT after completing my degree, since I enjoyed my business law classes so much. But financing was still an issue. You see, grants and scholarships are offered on basis of skin color and what's between you legs rather than what's between your ears. I didn't just give up and cry sexism and racism, as seems to be the fashion these days, I made the best of what options were open to me.

By the time I finished college, the housing bubble was bursting, and I took whatever job I could get. Considering the compensation versus up front investment, holding a steering wheel rather than being a doctor or a lawyer ain't all that bad, plus I get the physical activity I need throughout the day.

As for starting a business, I'm also working on that. I didn't want to take on investors, so I am investing what I can, when I can, time and money, in myself. I'm hoping to be ready to step out on my own before retirement, but if not, retiring with UPS is not a bad plan b. I just got my pension benefit statement today, assuming nothing changes, I'll be able to retire in 12 years making 80k.


I'm a star
I wouldn't doubt it if here in New York and New Jersey people were actually murdered in hospitals and nursing homes, that's how corrupt and sick the government is here and how desperate for federal money they are to offset their failure to balance a budget

If they kept putting people on ventilators after the first month, it should be considered murder, since they knew the pressure from ventilators was too high, and very likely killing people by that point.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
How much testing was done for flu? How many people presenting with flu like symptoms were counted as presumptive covid cases with no testing at all? The world may never know.

The government needed stats to be scary enough to get people to agree to egregious violations of their rights, they offered money to get the results they wanted after forcing hospitals and doctor's offices into a position of going bankrupt or playing ball. None of which supports a claim of being motivated by public health. Even after coercion and bribery, they couldn't get the numbers to be very scary, so the media had to gaslight everyone into being scared by a virus that mostly kills people over the average life expectancy, and even the ones in that category, only less than 1% who ostensibly caught it supposedly died of it. Worst excuse for trampling rights ever, but People were begging to have their rights stripped away.

I've already covered the issue of droplets. The droplets that masks can catch aren't a significant source of spread, and can be caught better if people do what has always been suggested, coughing and sneezing into their elbow. Masks don't slow the spread period. They knew that a year ago, the still know it. Some people have been lying this whole time, and plenty others bought it, and became volutary enforcers. I know you knew all that already, and are just trolling, but it beats repeating anyway.
To what end? All the world governments colluded to manufacture fake cases? You think that’s more plausible than an actual pandemic virus?


I'm a star
There's the class argument again. "If you were on the ball you'd be this or that. No one with your credentials has a legitimate thought about anything. Listen to your betters. By the way, I have more money than you so I'm superior."

I find it especially especially humorous when someone posts using several different accounts, gets caught doing it, then pretends to have enough credibility to talk down to other people. Lol.


nowhere special
I find it especially especially humorous when someone posts using several different accounts, gets caught doing it, then pretends to have enough credibility to talk down to other people. Lol.
Really funny when they use 2 or 3 accounts to post in the same thread and pretend to be different people supporting each other


I'm a star
To what end?
Already explained.

All the world governments colluded to manufacture fake cases?
I didn't make that claim. But PCR tests aren't diagnositic, and any numbers based on them are unreliable. Again that information is easily available, and not at all controversial. It is pretty clear that some degree of fraud was perpetrated in the reporting of numbers in the US, and as stated, I already explained the likeliest reason for it.

You think that’s more plausible than an actual pandemic virus?
Are you suggesting that I said the whole thing was made up? I never did, and if you got that from anything I wrote, that calls your reading comprehension into question. If you know I wasn't making that claim, then you are intentionally misrepresenting my position, which makes you a liar. So which is it?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Already explained.

I didn't make that claim. But PCR tests aren't diagnositic, and any numbers based on them are unreliable. Again that information is easily available, and not at all controversial. It is pretty clear that some degree of fraud was perpetrated in the reporting of numbers in the US, and as stated, I already explained the likeliest reason for it.

Are you suggesting that I said the whole thing was made up? I never did, and if you got that from anything I wrote, that calls your reading comprehension into question. If you know I wasn't making that claim, then you are intentionally misrepresenting my position, which makes you a liar. So which is it?
You rambled about government gaslighting to trample rights? The spread seems rather consistent through most of the world. So we’d have to assume all governments were gaslighting. To “trample rights.” What rights has anyone lost? I haven’t noticed any. What rights do you no longer have that you had 1 year ago?


I'm a star
You rambled about government gaslighting to trample rights?
I know you don't think that's what happened because you were one of the ones begging them to do it. It's not trampling if you willingly give them up, right?

The spread seems rather consistent through most of the world. So we’d have to assume all governments were gaslighting.
Nope, the claim is and always has been that the US and UK's numbers are worse than the rest of the world because they didn't lock down hard enough. Where have you been the last year?

To “trample rights.” What rights has anyone lost? I haven’t noticed any. What rights do you no longer have that you had 1 year ago?

I'm going to assume you are playing dumb again.