

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You need to move Dude!
I was up in Tennessee for a 2 night concert this past weekend in a small town and I did not see a mask for three days.
Even at the outside concert with 3,000+ people there were not any masks to be seen.
"And that's what I like about the South." -- Nck Nolte-- Prince of Tides


Well-Known Member
History is filled with priest-merchants on snowsleds, human sacrifices in stone circles, cannibal tribes in tropical islands, forgotten races (human & not), genocidal warlords, chariot mercenaries, pirate kings, castle magicians, mountain holdouts, & so much more.
Getting ready to become a second class citizen in my own country for not wanting to take a vaccine that doesn’t actually work. Is the new thing.
thats you choice but its a vaccine and we've been taking them for decades


Well-Known Member
Seeing more and more articles on Google News about vaccine side effects. The truth is we're still very early into these new vaccines and don't know to what extent they can harm people. Might be minor nuisances for some, life threatening to some.

the difficulty i have with these stories is someone developing a medical condition weeks after a vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused it.

If you have 6 people that drop dead after taking a vaccine out of 10000000 then chances are they dropped dead of something else.


Well-Known Member
Sure it works. So does my immune system.
i feel the same way I'm confident that my general health would bring a good result. but then again i saw a healthy nurse who got it and ended up getting a double lung replacement. So stick that needle in my arm


Well-Known Member
It's from being in Africa and parts of the ME.
My point was that I have had so many vaccines, one (two + Booster(s)) more can't hurt anymore than whatever I'll die from.
same here between coming to this country and being vaccinated for everything imaginable and then getting loaded up with so my beni's in the military some of them experimental its just another shot to me.


Well-Known Member
1973? If you’re looking at the comments I made about my GF, I was still in school when we moved away.
I didn’t join the USN until years later and my 2nd military gig 5 years after that!
Substantiating facts? You’ll have to take my word for it; or not...
what don't you work for slothrop ? :raspberry-tounge:

i like they way she frazed it , thanks for your service but I dont believe anything you said.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
1973? If you’re looking at the comments I made about my GF, I was still in school when we moved away.
I didn’t join the USN until years later and my 2nd military gig 5 years after that!
Substantiating facts? You’ll have to take my word for it; or not...
Thanks to our Veterans living and passed, regardless of the conflict or era.
I'm a USN vet (69 - 73) with two kids in the USAF and USMC.
My family knows sacrifice and Honor at a number of levels.
Each and every Service Person out there never knows what's in store for them, but they go knowing that the worst case scenario is possible at any moment (combat).
Honor them and include them in your prayers.

May they return home safely and soon.
I don’t know what to believe.

Not you, I guess?


I'm a star
the difficulty i have with these stories is someone developing a medical condition weeks after a vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused it.

If you have 6 people that drop dead after taking a vaccine out of 10000000 then chances are they dropped dead of something else.

But if you have 5000 all reporting similar conditions, and the common factor is the vaccine, then you can't dismiss the vaccine off hand. And even though the term vaccine is being used, only the J&J vaccine is a vaccine in the traditional sense. The others are experimental mRNA therapies that failed animal trials and have no long term safety and effectiveness data. And the J&J vaccine has been proven to cause blood clots in the brains of some people. It really is reckless to get these shots, especially when they are designed to deal with a virus with such a low risk to the average person.


Well-Known Member
the difficulty i have with these stories is someone developing a medical condition weeks after a vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused it.

If you have 6 people that drop dead after taking a vaccine out of 10000000 then chances are they dropped dead of something else.
Just saw a video from ABC's morning show talking about a heart inflammation condition that has affected primarily young adults after getting vaccinated. Have seen women doctors speaking about changes in their menstrual cycle after getting vaccinated. So far seems to be limited considering how many have been vaccinated but it's still early into this. And hopefully that will remain so.


Well-Known Member
thats you choice but its a vaccine and we've been taking them for decades
But is it really my choice? My brother told me they are offering vaccines while you wait online for the subway. The flu shot doesn't eradicate the flu. And it morphs every season. This is experimental. Its not like polio vax whereas that sickness is virtually eradicated.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
the difficulty i have with these stories is someone developing a medical condition weeks after a vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused it.

If you have 6 people that drop dead after taking a vaccine out of 10000000 then chances are they dropped dead of something else.
Like that motorcycle accident at 60 mph... he died of covid.