

Well-Known Member
But none have completed the much more rigorous trials to get FDA approval. The FDA won't just rubber stamp what has already been done. And keep in mind past vaccines took 5 years or longer to get final approval. For obvious reasons these vaccines have been rushed to market. It's not set in concrete that there's no risk and only time will tell if there's at least acceptable minimal risk. Until then people have a legitimate concern over safety.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
Back then, I was concerned about co-workers knowing my BC identity...

Now, I have my creepy fan club members stalking me.

Are you wanting an autograph and picture with me next?
I like to know a little about who I'm conversing with. So far all I know for sure is that you don't always tell the truth. Go donate some blood, you're allowed to, unless you have HIV.


I'm a star
Uh...could it be because people are vaccinated? And people who don't get vaccinated are around people who have been and can't carry it because the've been vaccinated?
There might be a good argument of you being somewhat selfish for refusing to be vaccinated.

Doesn't matter.
It they told me I had to have it, I would have a problem.
Choice baby, choice.

Nope, that statement is based on the percent of the population who tested positive over the year. Even during the peaks, the average American stood less than a 3% chance of encountering a contagious person. You can argue vaccination has decreased the risk, but for an experimental vaccine, if you don't have a control group, there is no standard for measuring the efficacy or safety of the vaccine. Hence, you can't state positively that the vaccine has had any amount of impact on the spread of Covid.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nope, that statement is based on the percent of the population who tested positive over the year. Even during the peaks, the average American stood less than a 3% chance of encountering a contagious person. You can argue vaccination has decreased the risk, but for an experimental vaccine, if you don't have a control group, there is no standard for measuring the efficacy or safety of the vaccine. Hence, you can't state positively that the vaccine has had any amount of impact on the spread of Covid.
There was a control group that received a placebo in the trials.


I'm a star

EUA means they are still experimental. If they weren't still in trial phase they could apply for FDA approval. I guess an AP/Rueters propaganda bot presenting misinformation calling real information untrue somehow supports your uninformed views.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Think of the reduction in the carbon footprint if we can kill off a few million folks.
Check out Bill Burr’s stand up routine talking about killing off a few million folks with some virus. It’s hilarious.
It’s years before COVID. He ‘s spot on.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
They are still in on-going, long term trials. If they weren't, they could get FDA approval and wouldn't need an EUA. It's in the paperwork you signed when you got your shot. Oh, I forgot, official vaccine literature is conspiracy theory.
You said there was no control group. I was just pointing out that was incorrect.


I'm a star
Maybe not today,
But, I think the stats down the road will prove otherwise.

Not without a control group, that's how science works. You have to control for variables, otherwise you can't determine what caused a specific outcome. If there is a control group, that means some people are getting a placebo, imagine the outrage that would create if they told people they might not have gotten the real thing.


I'm a star
You said there was no control group. I was just pointing out that was incorrect.

I didn't say there wasn't, you brought up the first phase trials, which is tangential to the point. We are currently in long term trials. People deny that there is a control group in this phase because that means millions of people are getting a placebo when they think they are getting the real thing. But without a control group, they can't confirm anything about the safety or effectiveness of the vaccines. You can't have it both ways. Either there's a control group in this phase of trials and some percentage of people are getting placebo, or there is no way to determine the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine in order to get FDA approval.