

Well-Known Member
Yes, we all know the CDC still counts every positive test on a cold body as a covid death. They're stupid.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we all know the CDC still counts every positive test on a cold body as a covid death. They're stupid.
Just like the anti-vaxxers count every report on VAERS as due to the vaccine and are equally stupid. COVID has been overblown and the anti-vax response has been equally overblown.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I wonder if they will follow all deaths as closely as they've have with COVID 19 from now on?

Maybe everyone will be told to stay home next flu season... You do know you can die from the flu, right?

"Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated" What a perfect, FEAR inducing headline. I heard the Biden administration is now mandating vaccinations for babies still in the womb before they're born.... :devil3: :lol:

I live in California and haven't heard about all the death due to the fear inducing variants. LMAO!

Not everyone should be vaccinated. I'm not an anti vaccine person, in fact I'm vaccinated and have been getting the flu vaccines for the last few years. However, tell me why in the hell a person that has had the VID should be vaccinated, nobody ever mentions them, I wonder why..


I'm a star
Just like the anti-vaxxers count every report on VAERS as due to the vaccine and are equally stupid. COVID has been overblown and the anti-vax response has been equally overblown.

Do you understand the process for reporting a vaccine injury to vaers? And that it's a crime to falsify a report? That fact alone contributes to the massive underreporting of vaccine injuries. It's really unreasonable to call people anti-vaxx simply because they don't want to be a guinea pig for an unapproved vaccine that has already had more confirmed fatalities and injuries than any other vaccine that had to be pulled. They shut down the swine flu vaccine after a couple dozen complications.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Maybe everyone will be told to stay home next flu season... You do know you can die from the flu, right?
Given what happened the last year, and the administration we have now, id say its definitely a possibility within the next three years.

Edit: given that more and more boomers are getting to the point that things like a cold or flu can kill them.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Do you understand the process for reporting a vaccine injury to vaers? And that it's a crime to falsify a report? That fact alone contributes to the massive underreporting of vaccine injuries. It's really unreasonable to call people anti-vaxx simply because they don't want to be a guinea pig for an unapproved vaccine that has already had more confirmed fatalities and injuries than any other vaccine that had to be pulled. They shut down the swine flu vaccine after a couple dozen complications.
"They" say only about 10% of vaccine injuries/complications get reported.


Well-Known Member
Just like the anti-vaxxers count every report on VAERS as due to the vaccine and are equally stupid. COVID has been overblown and the anti-vax response has been equally overblown
I think people just want the right to decide for themselves what they put into their body, and that's it.


Well-Known Member
I think people just want the right to decide for themselves what they put into their body, and that's it.
I don't disagree with you and respect everyone's right to decide what to put in their body but it should be based upon reasoned information. Distorting data just because the left did it first doesn't provide people with good data.
If you are over 65 or obese, the data indicates the vaccine is a good choice. Otherwise, the choice becomes more complex. And this is from someone who doesn't believe the vaccine is appropriate for myself.
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Well-Known Member
Do you understand the process for reporting a vaccine injury to vaers? And that it's a crime to falsify a report? That fact alone contributes to the massive underreporting of vaccine injuries. It's really unreasonable to call people anti-vaxx simply because they don't want to be a guinea pig for an unapproved vaccine that has already had more confirmed fatalities and injuries than any other vaccine that had to be pulled. They shut down the swine flu vaccine after a couple dozen complications.
None of that changes the fact that incidents in proximity to receiving the vaccination are no more causal than correlation than incidents while 'having' covid. Be intellectually consistent.

I don't care if you don't get a vaccine but do it or don't based upon reason and data, not distortion.
Please provide a link that there are more 'confirmed' fatalities and injuries because I call bull:censored2:. You are basing that on distorted data.


nowhere special
I wonder if they will follow all deaths as closely as they've have with COVID 19 from now on?

Maybe everyone will be told to stay home next flu season... You do know you can die from the flu, right?

"Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated" What a perfect, FEAR inducing headline. I heard the Biden administration is now mandating vaccinations for babies still in the womb before they're born.... :devil3: :lol:

I live in California and haven't heard about all the death due to the fear inducing variants. LMAO!

Not everyone should be vaccinated. I'm not an anti vaccine person, in fact I'm vaccinated and have been getting the flu vaccines for the last few years. However, tell me why in the hell a person that has had the VID should be vaccinated, nobody ever mentions them, I wonder why..