
Just a reminder 4 million people dead from covid and you got people out here still thinking it’s a hoax
4M dead out of how many cases? The estimate in the U.S. is at least 4x the number of reported cases, I would guess worldwide its more, but 5x the total reported cases puts it at 910M. That's less than one-half of one percent, about twice as deadly as the flu.

I don't think the disease is a hoax by any means, I believe it's real and can be dangerous to a specific demographic, but the governmental reaction to this disease, the controlling behavior and fear mongering, that raises questions.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
4M dead out of how many cases? The estimate in the U.S. is at least 4x the number of reported cases, I would guess worldwide its more, but 5x the total reported cases puts it at 910M. That's less than one-half of one percent, about twice as deadly as the flu.

I don't think the disease is a hoax by any means, I believe it's real and can be dangerous to a specific demographic, but the governmental reaction to this disease, the controlling behavior and fear mongering, that raises questions.

No they did what a responsible government is supposed to do, which is protect its citizens, but of course you got people out here “muH fREedOm”


Retired 23 years
I'm gonna sound heartless here, but even if you were completely right, (Which you have never been on this site. :) ), I don't care.

I'm not sacrificing my freedoms because old people die.
A lot of those "old people" sacrificed their freedom at one time so you could have your opinion. Think about that when you are kicking them to the curb. I don't give a rats butt if you get a shot or not--just don't change your tune 'IF" you become one of those who are now wishing they got the stupid shots.


Staff member
the gov was trying to protect its citizens, but since this country is suffering from an anti science wave. We ended up here.
I don't need protection at the cost of my rights.

Just a few miles from me in Michigan, I know people who weren't allowed to go to the store to buy seeds for a garden.
BS they were "protecting" us.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member

You may have missed it, but Michigan shut basically the entire state down and screwed a lot of small time businesses and farms up.

It’s unfortunate, but this is a serious pandemic. Things have to get put on hold. You got four million dead. These numbers can’t be a lie. People didn’t want to take it serious and this is why we ended up here.