

I'm a star
None of that changes the fact that incidents in proximity to receiving the vaccination are no more causal than correlation than incidents while 'having' covid. Be intellectually consistent.

I don't care if you don't get a vaccine but do it or don't based upon reason and data, not distortion.
Please provide a link that there are more 'confirmed' fatalities and injuries because I call bull*. You are basing that on distorted data.

You have no more basis for claiming that the data is distorted than you think I do for relying on it. The precautionary principal informs us that when dealing with an investigatory treatment, drug, device, etc, that we should proceed with caution and rule out any potential hazards before making recommendations on the implementation.

There is plenty of information out there about people being injured or killed by the "vaccine", I'll let you do your homework. If there is conclusive evidence that any of the cases weren't caused by the vaccine, that should be easy to find too. If not, then maybe we should be a little more careful about assuming they're safe.

The way I see it, with the way the whole thing has been handled, I won't be satisfied that these things are safe until we have undisputed data over 5 years that they are, considering they are a brand new technology. Everyone jumping in and getting them at this point, except for children, will have no one to blame but themselves for any adverse reaction they suffer.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Delta Variant Found To Be Twice As Virulent And Blah Blah Blah Whatever Who Cares At This Point

U.S.—Scientists now warn that the COVID-19 Delta Variant is, like, more contagious and also, like... other stuff about it. Some of them have brought up masks again. I’m sure you’re rapt with attention about all this.

So if you’re, like, one of those Karens who loved worrying about this sort of thing, now you have new reasons for that while everyone else goes back to normal. You can yell at people, “You have to be more concerned about the Delta Variant! The Delta Variant!” and everyone can just kind of nod at you and then ignore you as usual. :rolleyes: :teethy:


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Delta Variant Found To Be Twice As Virulent And Blah Blah Blah Whatever Who Cares At This Point

U.S.—Scientists now warn that the COVID-19 Delta Variant is, like, more contagious and also, like... other stuff about it. Some of them have brought up masks again. I’m sure you’re rapt with attention about all this.

So if you’re, like, one of those Karens who loved worrying about this sort of thing, now you have new reasons for that while everyone else goes back to normal. You can yell at people, “You have to be more concerned about the Delta Variant! The Delta Variant!” and everyone can just kind of nod at you and then ignore you as usual. :rolleyes: :teethy:
Good for the Delta Variant! We need lots of the unvaccinated to catch this virus inoculating them in the process.


I'm a star
Delta Variant Found To Be Twice As Virulent And Blah Blah Blah Whatever Who Cares At This Point

U.S.—Scientists now warn that the COVID-19 Delta Variant is, like, more contagious and also, like... other stuff about it. Some of them have brought up masks again. I’m sure you’re rapt with attention about all this.

So if you’re, like, one of those Karens who loved worrying about this sort of thing, now you have new reasons for that while everyone else goes back to normal. You can yell at people, “You have to be more concerned about the Delta Variant! The Delta Variant!” and everyone can just kind of nod at you and then ignore you as usual. :rolleyes: :teethy:



I'm a star

Hmmm.... this is right in line with the calculations I did comparing the projected death rate for 2020 vs the actual death rate. Actually quite a bit lower. If this percentage translates to the US directly, we're looking at between 5k-10k deaths, while actual death rate out paced projected by about 25k. So probably more deaths from government interventions than from covid. You heard it here first folks. Potential vaccine deaths are also competing with potential actual covid deaths.