

Well-Known Member
The slimy doctors included 700 third trimester vaccinations just so they could dilute the denominator and bring the rate down.

But third trimester people can't have miscarriages any more than a man can have a miscarriage. If there is a problem, it's called a stillbirth.

They included 700 irrelevant people just to bring the alleged miscarriage rate down.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
what they die from then? The gov kidnapped them and killed them in a secret lab??
No Mr. Wong ( or mister China bot) a secret lab in Wuhan let a virus out that killed some people. Politicians then rose up to take advantage of gaining more power and control.

For the People by the People my ass.

The People will only be pushed so far until........ :speechless:


No Mr. Wong ( or mister China bot) a secret lab in Wuhan let a virus out that killed some people. Politicians then rose up to take advantage of gaining more power and control.

For the People by the People my ass.

The People will only be pushed so far until........ :speechless:
Cool story bro.😎


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah four million dead who cares right?
Do we shut down society for the much higher number of people who die from preventable causes? Millions of people die every year, its the nature of life. If you are so worried about fatalities, call out the left for glorifying obesity, which will kill many more people and which led to most of the numbers you mention (at least the US portion) being susceptible to COVID in the first place.


Do we shut down society for the much higher number of people who die from preventable causes? Millions of people die every year, its the nature of life. If you are so worried about fatalities, call out the left for glorifying obesity, which will kill many more people and which led to most of the numbers you mention (at least the US portion) being susceptible to COVID in the first place.
Name a disease that infects millions and kills within weeks of infection.


Well-Known Member
No, there isn't.

For a virus, lethality actually inhibits transmission. To enable spread, mortality must be dampened.

Ebola never spread that badly because it was too deadly. It killed too many hosts too quickly. Coronaviruses succeed in spread precisely because they aren't very lethal.


No, there isn't.

For a virus, lethality actually inhibits transmission. To enable spread, mortality must be dampened.

Ebola never spread that badly because it was too deadly. It killed too many hosts too quickly. Coronaviruses succeed in spread precisely because they aren't very lethal.
Look bro, Covid has infected millions and killed millions all over the world and continues to spread all across the world. There is no worldwide conspiracy. Get a grip brotha.


Well-Known Member
Look bro, Covid has infected millions and killed millions all over the world and continues to spread all across the world. There is no worldwide conspiracy. Get a grip brotha.
I didn't allege a conspiracy.

Deaths are simply being overcounted. That's not a conspiracy. I'm not saying the illuminati did it.

Most people who died "from" covid really died "with" covid, and most would be dead anyway from something. It's almost all exceedingly unhealthy and old people. Those are real people and it's a real problem, and we should care and do things. I'm not a denier of anything. You people just don't know how to count.


I didn't allege a conspiracy.

Deaths are simply being overcounted. That's not a conspiracy. I'm not saying the illuminati did it.

Most people who died "from" covid really died "with" covid, and most would be dead anyway from something. It's almost all exceedingly unhealthy and old people. Those are real people and it's a real problem, and we should care and do things. I'm not a denier of anything. You people just don't know how to count.
Yes it's a conspiracy. When you claim what people "really died from" , you've just claimed your tin foil crown.