

Well-Known Member
Name a disease that infects millions and kills within weeks of infection.
No really relevant to the point. The left is freaking over COVID deaths but glorifies obesity which has, does and will kill people at multiples of what COVID has done and obesity is one of the main drivers of the impact that COVID has had. So again, i'll say if the left is so concerned about deaths, why do they glorify obesity?


No really relevant to the point. The left is freaking over COVID deaths but glorifies obesity which has, does and will kill people at multiples of what COVID has done and obesity is one of the main drivers of the impact that COVID has had. So again, i'll say if the left is so concerned about deaths, why do they glorify obesity?


Well-Known Member
Hard to believe with so many republicans/conservatives on this message board who downplayed the seriousness of covid, never reflect that over 600,000 Americans have died from this disease. One of the things I have learned in my life is being wrong all the time on public policy never seems to impact the republican outlook on much. It is astonishing what republicans have been wrong about in terms of public policy. It is an over 20year record of failure. Covid is just the latest example.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Some of my sister's kids planned a cocktail party this evening to celebrate her 80th. ( early )
It started just as the heavy rains came down.

My older brother & I got into a discussion about why I have not been tested nor taken the vac, while I was standing in the open garage drip drying.
I live close by so I walked there.
His said that the place was filled with old people and I told him I had no intention of going inside.
[ I come from a family of 13, with 20 years from the oldest to youngest ] ( I'm number 10 born )

I tried to explain to him that he was in more danger from the "vaccinated" people there then from me.
Since the rains forced everyone to be crowded inside, instead of them spreading out on the yard.
Oh, I have always planned to be vacced, but I've been waiting until they work out all the nasty bugs first.
I maybe the odd one of that group, all have been. But I have enough caution to avoid getting it from one of them.
You should huddle in there and maybe let nature inoculate you.


Well-Known Member
Hard to believe with so many republicans/conservatives on this message board who downplayed the seriousness of covid, never reflect that over 600,000 Americans have died from this disease. One of the things I have learned in my life is being wrong all the time on public policy never seems to impact the republican outlook on much. It is astonishing what republicans have been wrong about in terms of public policy. It is an over 20year record of failure. Covid is just the latest example.
Concerning the China virus, which public policy, masks, shutdowns, closing schools?

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
The poor thing:

Here’s an excerpt from my minister’s weekly newsletter article,

“I am going to miss the camaraderie of those who masked for the last year. I will miss others identifying me as a good citizen, for always wearing a mask, and not endangering others. I think all of us who were conscientious about mask-wearing should get to have a little button to wear proudly, like “I masked every time I went out.” We former maskers will now look like anti-maskers and scofflaws. We have lost our distinction, our virtue, our recognition of being good citizens.”

He nailed it, right?