
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And all conservatives, Republicans, BLM hippies, and rich corporate autocrats. The more dead, the better.


Well-Known Member
The poor thing:

Here’s an excerpt from my minister’s weekly newsletter article,

“I am going to miss the camaraderie of those who masked for the last year. I will miss others identifying me as a good citizen, for always wearing a mask, and not endangering others. I think all of us who were conscientious about mask-wearing should get to have a little button to wear proudly, like “I masked every time I went out.” We former maskers will now look like anti-maskers and scofflaws. We have lost our distinction, our virtue, our recognition of being good citizens.”

He nailed it, right?
Your minister, or copied from Reddit?


I'm a star
The poor thing:

Here’s an excerpt from my minister’s weekly newsletter article,

“I am going to miss the camaraderie of those who masked for the last year. I will miss others identifying me as a good citizen, for always wearing a mask, and not endangering others. I think all of us who were conscientious about mask-wearing should get to have a little button to wear proudly, like “I masked every time I went out.” We former maskers will now look like anti-maskers and scofflaws. We have lost our distinction, our virtue, our recognition of being good citizens.”

He nailed it, right?

What laws were being scoffed? They should get buttons saying "Too dumb to stop believing Fauci".
All that needs is a rubber stamp. Doesn’t change anything in my mind I’d rather die than set the precedent of being forced to take experimental medicine by the government
I should add I had real covid in the winter didn’t just test positive I had symptoms and recovered so therefore I’m immune


I'm a star
Yes they are pal developed at warp speed by the crony capitalists in big pharma after trump sold us out. I would guess that the force/punishment phase for people who don’t want it is gonna begin in the fall

The real rate of vaccination is closer to 40% or less. They'll have a battle on their hands. Lol.