

I'm a star


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Sounds right. 2% would be the quarterbacks.
So, what number would you consider overweight?
BMI is just terrible period. There is no number for it. It doesn't take ones build or muscle mass into account at all. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I would have had to drop 15-20 lbs of muscle to be considered in a healthy range for BMI


I'm a star
BMI is just terrible period. There is no number for it. It doesn't take ones build or muscle mass into account at all. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I would have had to drop 15-20 lbs of muscle to be considered in a healthy range for BMI

I've tried, in vain, to explain this to several people. They just can't figure it out. I got the electro resistance test done, came back at 16% body fat. BMI considered me obese.


I'm a star
2 weeks to end this social experiment with no side effects. Three cents a dose means no profit, no fear, no federal government growth. Along with all the scum that feeds off the system.

It's pretty much run it's course anyway, about average timeline for a pandemic. About 50-60% already had cross-immunity, the 10-20% who've had it put us over the line for herd immunity. No vaccine necessary. It will be another endemic cold virus, like the rest, and most who catch it from now on won't even know.


I'm a star
To straighten out the uninformed wumoas on here, the "vaccine" doesn't stop you from getting infected, it supposedly keeps you from having a bad case, and doesn't prevent you from spreading it.

The vaccinated are the main drivers behind mutation when pathogenic pressure is high, like during a pandemic.

Only the people most likely to suffer a severe case should even consider the vaccine.

The emergency is over, the EUA's for the vaccine, tests and masks should be ended.

There are effective and safe treatments available, the EAU's should be ended.

I'm O blood type, my chances of having a severe case is low, no need to get a vaccine.

There is quite a bit of evidence showing that the vaccine actually inhibits natural immunity, so if you already recovered from covid, you should not get the vaccine.

The safety record for the vaccine is bad enough that it should never receive approval.

Need I go on? Get the vaccine if it will create meaning in your meaningless life. But don't pretend that there's any other point to it than that.


nowhere special
BMI is just terrible period. There is no number for it. It doesn't take ones build or muscle mass into account at all. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I would have had to drop 15-20 lbs of muscle to be considered in a healthy range for BMI
I remember when really muscular guys had to get waivers for the military because they were overweight by the standards.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
BMI is just terrible period. There is no number for it. It doesn't take ones build or muscle mass into account at all. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I would have had to drop 15-20 lbs of muscle to be considered in a healthy range for BMI
You sure it was 15-20 lbs of muscle? lol
My doc says the same thing about BMI.

Forget BMI. Go to Wal-Mart and do your own study. America is a bunch of fat ass slobs.
To straighten out the uninformed wumoas on here, the "vaccine" doesn't stop you from getting infected, it supposedly keeps you from having a bad case, and doesn't prevent you from spreading it.

The vaccinated are the main drivers behind mutation when pathogenic pressure is high, like during a pandemic.

Only the people most likely to suffer a severe case should even consider the vaccine.

The emergency is over, the EUA's for the vaccine, tests and masks should be ended.

There are effective and safe treatments available, the EAU's should be ended.

I'm O blood type, my chances of having a severe case is low, no need to get a vaccine.

There is quite a bit of evidence showing that the vaccine actually inhibits natural immunity, so if you already recovered from covid, you should not get the vaccine.

The safety record for the vaccine is bad enough that it should never receive approval.

Need I go on? Get the vaccine if it will create meaning in your meaningless life. But don't pretend that there's any other point to it than that.
Hmm sounds a lot like…the mask mania ! Which was pushed to try to bully you into compliance with the vaccines. My mask/vaccine doesn’t protect me. It protects you !


I'm a star
Hmm sounds a lot like…the mask mania ! Which was pushed to try to bully you into compliance with the vaccines. My mask/vaccine doesn’t protect me. It protects you !

No, the vaccine doesn't prevent the spread. It doesn't help get us to herd immunity at all. It literally only helps keep people from getting a bad case, 60% of the time, maybe.