

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You sure it was 15-20 lbs of muscle? lol
My doc says the same thing about BMI.

Forget BMI. Go to Wal-Mart and do your own study. America is a bunch of fat ass slobs.
Yes. I was 230 lbs and about 12-13% body fat. Realistically I might get down to 7-8% body fat. Any more weight that I needed to lose to get to my ideal weight would have to be muscle.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I was 230 lbs and about 12-13% body fat. Realistically I might get down to 7-8% body fat. Any more weight that I needed to lose to get to my ideal weight would have to be muscle.
I do understand exactly what you are saying.
BMI is :bsbullf: .

BMI I was considered borderline obese. Nothing could be further from the truth, even today.

Bad evaluation, Dr. knows it when he puts two eyes on you.

I don't see why it is given any credence.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
BMI I was considered borderline obese. Nothing could be further from the truth, even today.

I'd bet you're basically a white Mr T.


PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Not easy decision to live with. Think people get this idea, you just wake up and oh I’m getting abortion today. Plus this needs to be up to the woman. It’s a woman issue.