
Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Just admit, you have no scientific basis to support abortion. Devaluing human life has no upside. Life belongs to the Creator of life, not the recipient.


Well-Known Member
Your not accepting this cell idea that’s a start
I know exactly what I am talking about.

I will play your one cell game and offer the law that I mentioned as well.

Follow this.

If at the certain point of time in a baby's life,( the one cell time,) the mother was aware that one cell, that her baby existed and some one came in and stole it, or killed it, would she have a legal action?

Square your legal reasoning if you have any.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
But that is a bad argument to say that it isn't human because you can't remember it.

One of the biggest arguments against abortion is if the fetus can feel pain. If a woman got in the early stages. Is the cell feeling pain? It takes about 26 weeks to develop sensation and pain.


Well-Known Member
I’m talking about a cell, which isn’t considered to be even human life yet.
Exactly what does science say at the moment the cell divides?

Does science say it is alive, is it living?

What does science say about cell division?

What is the only type of cell could we be talking about in this discussion?

Would it be human? A human cell?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
One of the biggest arguments against abortion is if the fetus can feel pain. If a woman got in the early stages. Is the cell feeling pain? It takes about 26 weeks to develop sensation and pain.

Are quadriplegics and those with congenital insensitivity to pain human? Are paraplegics half human?

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Are quadriplegics and those with congenital insensitivity to pain human? Are paraplegics half human?
You’re human if you’re alive and breathing. Having a disability doesn’t mean that your not human. This makes no sense. You guys are now just throwing stuff to see what sticks.