
Off the leash

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Another reason to get vaccinated! Lol

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, that doesn't really change much about the situation. 40% would necessarily be at least partially vaccinated, right? Still not good for a vaccine that's supposed to be so effective. I wonder what kind of raw numbers we're looking at here.

87.9 % of adults in the UK have received 1 dose and 68.5% 2 doses. So I imagine the raw number of hospitalized isn't large and those who have been vaccinated and still end up there were pretty vulnerable either way.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Wrong! No need for mask mandates. Only the unvaccinated are at risk, which should have been in paragraph one. Why coddle them?



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns officials have said most people who have died or been hospitalized with covid-19 in recent weeks were unvaccinated.

The Driver

I drive.
Remember to own the libs this week by taking a totally unnecessary risk to expose yourself to an infection that could affect your lung capacity for months and months or even kill you if you’re unlucky enough. It’s not like most of us here actually work hard for a living and need to be able to breathe.

The Driver

I drive.
Yes, and the politics of Fauci-worship, vaccine information shutdowns, censored rebuttals, and anti-science crusades also got a lot more vaccines.

Everyone already knows that ideology and information diet informs what people think of the vaccine.
Talk to your doctor about the vaccine if you have questions about safety and efficacy.