
The Driver

I drive.

Guys, I think Phil’s trying to say something!


Well-Known Member
You aren’t worthless. You have the power to make a positive difference in the world while you’re still on it. The question is, will you?
I have much worth, I understand that part.
I have no worth in what I can offer God to satisfy His Justice or His Holiness, which is required.

The Driver

I drive.
Revision 101.
No. Facts 101.

Let me help... From the New York Times article that @DriveInDriveOut posted as "proof" the Democrats were pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric:

Let me guess, you didn’t read the story?

Mr. Biden said Wednesday that he would personally take a vaccine if scientists said it was safe, even if it were approved under Mr. Trump’s watch. “Absolutely, do it, yes,” he said, answering a question from a reporter.

Lol. Gotcha again, Trumper. Keep up your hero worship of the Traitor-in-Chief!
Does that help you?


Well-Known Member
Democrats pushed anti-corruption rhetoric. The vaccine was always going to be accepted by Democrats as long as they passed muster and top level scientists agreed on their safety and efficacy.

Keep dancing.
Sorry, have seen the video on CNN and MSNBC of their anchors and others saying they wouldn't trust any vaccine pushed by Trump. These were the same people who sneered at the idea of using hydroxy chloroquine because Trump mentioned it as a possible treatment.