

Well-Known Member
You’re hilarious, Little Boy. You are the guy who thinks the Matrix, a movie that is a trans metaphor, is real life. Are you a transgender and you don’t like to talk about it? It’s okay if you roll that way. I won’t judge.
excuse me, esmeralda.

its 2021 its no long socially acceptable to make fun of gays or your retarded family members.

thank you

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
excuse me, esmeralda.

its 2021 its no long socially acceptable to make fun of gays or your retarded family members.

thank you

The Driver

I drive.
Better take vitamin D and ivermectin as a prophylactic against this virus OOPS! that doesn’t work now I’m on or about to be on ECMO which is a Hail Mary pass!

—Phil Valentine of Nashville, a know-it-all conservative radio host and vaccine skeptic and currently dying a horribly dragged out miserable death


Well-Known Member
Ask Phil Valentine how it worked for him. Oh wait, he’s in a coma as his kidneys fail.
Exactly why are you afraid of dying?

You do know that day is coming, not one thing you can do to stop it.

My guess is if Phil Valentines last day is today he enjoyed his life and left a bigger mark than you will.

Fact is, the same sacrifice was given for both of you. You both stand on equal ground.
The same equal ground I stand on.


I'm a star
ur not right?

Probably not what you think I should be doing, but you have no basis to say I'm not doing anything. Again, the fact that things that may or may not be environmental pollutants, that may it may not harm anyone, exist, and the possibility exists that I may or may not be doing anything about them, bears no weight in my decision to get an ecperimental shot, regardless of whether it is an actual vaccine or not.

The Driver

I drive.
My guess is if Phil Valentines last day is today he enjoyed his life and left a bigger mark than you will
The mark he left was one of typical :censored2: who lacks any humility. He peddled misinformation to people that should be listening to their doctors, and now he’s on death’s door dying from his own stupid advice to avoid the covid vaccine.