
The Driver

I drive.
Sorry, have seen the video on CNN and MSNBC of their anchors and others saying they wouldn't trust any vaccine pushed by Trump. These were the same people who sneered at the idea of using hydroxy chloroquine because Trump mentioned it as a possible treatment.
Show me the videos that unequivocally show anchors and others claiming they'd never take a vaccine just because of Donald Trump and Operation Warp Speed.

You can't do it. Because nobody credible ever claimed as such. They may have claimed not to trust Donald Trump, but not that they wouldn't trust the entire field of science because of his corruption.

Nuance, people. I know you think that's a libcuck fantasy, but... nuance.
Show me the videos that unequivocally show anchors and others claiming they'd never take a vaccine just because of Donald Trump and Operation Warp Speed.

You can't do it. Because nobody credible ever claimed as such. They may have claimed not to trust Donald Trump, but not that they wouldn't trust the entire field of science because of his corruption.

Nuance, people. I know you think that's a libcuck fantasy, but... nuance.
You have to realize he's getting his info from Tucker.


Well-Known Member
Show me the videos that unequivocally show anchors and others claiming they'd never take a vaccine just because of Donald Trump and Operation Warp Speed.

You can't do it. Because nobody credible ever claimed as such. They may have claimed not to trust Donald Trump, but not that they wouldn't trust the entire field of science because of his corruption.

Nuance, people. I know you think that's a libcuck fantasy, but... nuance.
You're splitting hairs. Those with influence said they wouldn't trust a Trump vaccine.

The Driver

I drive.
You're splitting hairs. Those with influence said they wouldn't trust a Trump vaccine.
Not solely based on Trump's word on safety and efficacy. That was the point.

This was a guy who stared directly into the sun during an eclipse and who floated the idea of injecting bleach to battle the coronavirus.

The Driver

I drive.
Latest word is that conservative talk radio host Phil Valentine is in "grave condition" this morning. Reports that issues include heart rate, blood pressure, kidney distress, AFib, and not stable enough to be transferred to ECMO machine.

He could have taken a simple vaccine and avoided this. Instead he popped ivermectin and vitamin D in an effort to protect and heal himself.

The Driver

I drive.


Inordinately Right
“We are not prepared to hold that a minority, residing or remaining in any city or town where smallpox is prevalent, and enjoying the general protection afforded by an organized local government, may thus defy the will of its constituted authorities, acting in good faith for all, under the legislative sanction of the state,” the justices wrote in 1905. “If such be the privilege of a minority, then a like privilege would belong to each individual of the community, and the spectacle would be presented of the welfare and safety of an entire population being subordinated to the notions of a single individual who chooses to remain a part of that population.”

Vaccine Mandates Are as American as Apple Pie

If you support mandatory vaccination to fight Covid-19, you are in good company. The first vaccine mandate in American history came from none other than George Washington at the height of the American Revolution. America’s struggle for independence coincided with a major smallpox epidemic that...
This isn’t smallpox. It’s a glorified cold. The “vaccine” they cooked up for it is anything but