

Well-Known Member
The mark he left was one of typical * who lacks any humility. He peddled misinformation to people that should be listening to their doctors, and now he’s on death’s door dying from his own stupid advice to avoid the covid vaccine.
How does anything you said help you on your appointed day?

Why does death scare you?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
So COVID can kill you but you get to give Jesus a hug if it does and you've been a good boy. So it's all good.

I like where this thread is headed.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
My guess is if Phil Valentines last day is today he enjoyed his life and left a bigger mark than you will.
The mark he left was influencing people not to get the shot.
We don't read about the people who got covid and didn't get the shot because Phil influenced their decision.
A person who is in a place of influence via media or whatever should be at least responsible enough to preach personal choice and your choice is the right one.


I'm a star
So COVID can kill you but you get to give Jesus a hug if it does and you've been a good boy. So it's all good.

I like where this thread is headed.

If there is no afterlife, then anything we do in this life is meaningless in the long run.

Lots of things can kill us, something eventually will. If you fear death, you can't truly live, and might as well be dead anyway.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Exactly why are you afraid of dying?

You do know that day is coming, not one thing you can do to stop it.

My guess is if Phil Valentines last day is today he enjoyed his life and left a bigger mark than you will.

Fact is, the same sacrifice was given for both of you. You both stand on equal ground.
The same equal ground I stand on.
But you have to accept it


Well-Known Member
Why am I not a Christian?
You are a denier of Jesus Christ, you deny he shed His blood for one specific reason, to redeem sinners.

I ask a few simple questions:

Who is Jesus?
Why was he born to a virgin?
How many ways can a human be accepted by God to live in His light?

Final thought, burns yurass up that God took my place, to die for me.
A sinner that does not believe as you.


Well-Known Member
Why am I not a Christian?
You are a denier of Jesus Christ, you deny he shed His blood for one specific reason, to redeem sinners.

I ask a few simple questions:

Who is Jesus?
Why was he born to a virgin?
How many ways can a human be accepted by God to live in His light?

Final thought, burns yurass up that God took my place, to die for me.
A sinner that does not believe as you.
You will be judged by your acts. Live a Christ like life. Your words betray you.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The mark he left was influencing people not to get the shot.
We don't read about the people who got covid and didn't get the shot because Phil influenced their decision.
A person who is in a place of influence via media or whatever should be at least responsible enough to preach personal choice and your choice is the right one.
We also don't read of the almost 99% of the people that had covid, before the shot that did not die.

I did not listen to him, I cannot say what he did or did not say.
Any person that takes medical advice from a talkshow host is a fool.

Can you, or anyone say, beyond reasonable doubt that he got covid because he refused the vaccine?

If you answer yes, exactly who or what can the vaccinated blame a positive covid test after vaccination?

Be careful when you thread a needle.