

Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
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Off the leash

Well-Known Member

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
A massive 300 percent hike in nationwide COVID-19 deaths recorded Friday by Johns Hopkins University was skewed by states dumping data – that in one case dated back as far as last spring, according to a report.

I wonder how many of the new Covid cases in Florida are from the illegals the government bussed here from the border without testing?

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
How is it legal to send infected 🤧 illegals all over the country and not inform the American public? Even the left wing Wackos on here and behind the scene have question that. Right? There to busy worrying about ‘feelings’ 😂


Legio patria nostra
How is it legal to send infected 🤧 illegals all over the country and not inform the American public? Even the left wing Wackos on here and behind the scene have question that. Right? There to busy worrying about ‘feelings’ 😂
CNN has to put it in their heads that it’s a problem before they acknowledge what’s clearly obvious to the casual observer.