

Well-Known Member
If you would spend as much time working as time spent trying to figure out how not to work, you'd be wealthy; without living off your parents money.
A 2009 analysis from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that around 39 percent of American workers in the private sector do not have paid sick leave.[1] Around 79 percent of workers in low-wage industries do not have paid sick time.[2] Most food service and hotel workers (78 percent) lack paid sick days

im sure this had nothing to do with spread of corona virus in america


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
A 2009 analysis from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that around 39 percent of American workers in the private sector do not have paid sick leave.[1] Around 79 percent of workers in low-wage industries do not have paid sick time.[2] Most food service and hotel workers (78 percent) lack paid sick days

im sure this had nothing to do with spread of corona virus in america
You want to get paid you work.

Poop Head

Judge me.
or be born rich?

or have sick days in most normal western countries so we dont spread covid 19 to our population
Dont spread covid, lol. Dude, even resident expert @The Driver admits that almost everyone will be exposed to the covid virus. I say, get it over with. The sooner the better.

Ohh, and some science for you,
You have a 250/250 chance of dying.
Dont let it ruin your day.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Because it’s not about the Virus.



I'm a star
or be born rich?

or have sick days in most normal western countries so we dont spread covid 19 to our population

How's that working up in the great white north? Lol. Although, I agree about sick pay. Instead of cutting our throats economically and printing trillions in debt notes to shove into pharma pockets before the ink dries, we could at least establish federal programs to help businesses pay people to quarantine during an emergency, particularly in industries prone to outbreaks. My state requires 40 hrs sick pay per year, if you employ ten or more people. Now, do they let businesses deduct that extra for tax purposes?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The federal government told everybody, if you get vaccinated, you're protected against Covid. But now with these new variants of covid, some people are getting the virus even when vaccinated. If you're vaccinated, you're protected. A few people get it, but not many. And the press just blows it up.
164 million Americans have been vaccinated. Out of that, 125,000 people have acquired covid after being vaccinated. That is a percentage of 0.0077%. It is almost impossible for you to get Covid if you were vaccinated. Not impossible, almost.
1,640 people have died, and all of them have compromised immune systems, even though they got vaccinated. 6,560 people have been hospitalized. That's it. Out of a 164 million people. These stats are from the CDC, the hospitals report to it.
The Delta variant is a problem for unvaccinated people. They are at risk. If you're vaccinated, you are not at risk. If you're not vaccinated by this time, that's your decision and you have a right to make it. But, I'm not wearing a mask to protect you. In Florida there is a flood of cases. All of them unvaccinated, they're in hospitals. This is a very contagious disease. It's bad. If you're not vaccinated, you're going to get hurt. Not if, it's when.
According to the CDC, 60 percent of black Americans are vaccinated. 40 percent of African-Americans not vaccinated. That's a lot. And they spread it among themselves in their communities. A lot of the cases are coming out of the black community. The hard core right is at 30 percent refusing to take the vax. Just not going to do it.
The African-Americans and the far right have something in common. They don't trust the government. Period. They'll never trust the government no matter what the government does or who's in charge, never. And so, when the government says, take the vaccine, they go no. That's it.
If you don't get the vaccine, you're at risk for a very contagious and vicious disease. That's it.
If you did get covid, you carry antibodies that will protect you, but no one knows for how long. If you are vaccinated, you are protected. Don't know when that's going to wear off, but they're working on that (testing) now.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The federal government told everybody, if you get vaccinated, you're protected against Covid. But now with these new variants of covid, some people are getting the virus even when vaccinated. If you're vaccinated, you're protected. A few people get it, but not many. And the press just blows it up.
164 million Americans have been vaccinated. Out of that, 125,000 people have acquired covid after being vaccinated. That is a percentage of 0.0077%. It is almost impossible for you to get Covid if you were vaccinated. Not impossible, almost.
1,640 people have died, and all of them have compromised immune systems, even though they got vaccinated. 6,560 people have been hospitalized. That's it. Out of a 164 million people. These stats are from the CDC, the hospitals report to it.
The Delta variant is a problem for unvaccinated people. They are at risk. If you're vaccinated, you are not at risk. If you're not vaccinated by this time, that's your decision and you have a right to make it. But, I'm not wearing a mask to protect you. In Florida there is a flood of cases. All of them unvaccinated, they're in hospitals. This is a very contagious disease. It's bad. If you're not vaccinated, you're going to get hurt. Not if, it's when.
According to the CDC, 60 percent of black Americans are vaccinated. 40 percent of African-Americans not vaccinated. That's a lot. And they spread it among themselves in their communities. A lot of the cases are coming out of the black community. The hard core right is at 30 percent refusing to take the vax. Just not going to do it.
The African-Americans and the far right have something in common. They don't trust the government. Period. They'll never trust the government no matter what the government does or who's in charge, never. And so, when the government says, take the vaccine, they go no. That's it.
If you don't get the vaccine, you're at risk for a very contagious and vicious disease. That's it.
If you did get covid, you carry antibodies that will protect you, but no one knows for how long. If you are vaccinated, you are protected. Don't know when that's going to wear off, but they're working on that (testing) now.

I keep hearing about how vaccinated people hardly get the Virus yet we keep hearing of more and more vaccinated people getting it. In my band of 4 players there are 2 players and 1 wife that have COVID right now. The 3 have all been vaccinated months ago 1 with Moderna and the other 2 with J&J. They have all been really sick for a week now. Me and the other non vaccinated member and wives are fine. Either I hang around with the most unlucky people or they can stick those false numbers and claims up their A $ $

Poop Head

Judge me.
The federal government told everybody, if you get vaccinated, you're protected against Covid. But now with these new variants of covid, some people are getting the virus even when vaccinated. If you're vaccinated, you're protected. A few people get it, but not many. And the press just blows it up.
164 million Americans have been vaccinated. Out of that, 125,000 people have acquired covid after being vaccinated. That is a percentage of 0.0077%. It is almost impossible for you to get Covid if you were vaccinated. Not impossible, almost.
1,640 people have died, and all of them have compromised immune systems, even though they got vaccinated. 6,560 people have been hospitalized. That's it. Out of a 164 million people. These stats are from the CDC, the hospitals report to it.
The Delta variant is a problem for unvaccinated people. They are at risk. If you're vaccinated, you are not at risk. If you're not vaccinated by this time, that's your decision and you have a right to make it. But, I'm not wearing a mask to protect you. In Florida there is a flood of cases. All of them unvaccinated, they're in hospitals. This is a very contagious disease. It's bad. If you're not vaccinated, you're going to get hurt. Not if, it's when.
According to the CDC, 60 percent of black Americans are vaccinated. 40 percent of African-Americans not vaccinated. That's a lot. And they spread it among themselves in their communities. A lot of the cases are coming out of the black community. The hard core right is at 30 percent refusing to take the vax. Just not going to do it.
The African-Americans and the far right have something in common. They don't trust the government. Period. They'll never trust the government no matter what the government does or who's in charge, never. And so, when the government says, take the vaccine, they go no. That's it.
If you don't get the vaccine, you're at risk for a very contagious and vicious disease. That's it.
If you did get covid, you carry antibodies that will protect you, but no one knows for how long. If you are vaccinated, you are protected. Don't know when that's going to wear off, but they're working on that (testing) now.
Wouldnt that be something. Blacks and white conservatives, fighting side by side, against the communists.