
El Correcto

god is dead

Look at this shoddy journalism.

They WANT healthy people to be dying. But they're not.

This man is muscular and lean, not healthy. He's a 42 year old long time amateur bodybuilder.

You can see his gynecomastia. That's a dead giveaway for steroid and insulin abuse, as is common in the bodybuilding community.

If you get that big, and stay that lean, at 42 years old, you are abusing drugs and have been for a long time.

Total organ and system failure happens all the time to 40 to 50 year old male bodybuilders even without covid.

But they just want to scare you.
Saw the same thing with some big body builder dude on Reddit and all the liberals exclaiming “your father is so fit though!” .

Like no the guy is a drug addict destroying his endocrine system and :censored2:ing up his hormones.


Well-Known Member
Saw the same thing with some big body builder dude on Reddit and all the liberals exclaiming “your father is so fit though!” .

Like no the guy is a drug addict destroying his endocrine system and *ing up his hormones.
And messed up hormones and endocrine system is worse in a covid patient than high blood pressure, asthma, or smoking. Bodybuilders are set up perfectly to have big problems.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Question for the cry baby liberals.
Why are we not closing the border and letting unvaccinated/sick people in? I thought this virus was super duper scary and deadly. No, they are gaming this virus for whatever they can cram through just like they did with 9/11. They are grabbing from pre existing wish list items and slamming them all under covid while they plunder your nation and expand their control over your life.
Why are your great virtuous democrat leaders ignoring their own lockdown protocols and even throwing lavish parties during this “pandemic”?
You people truly are stupid.
I can answer that question for you.. Because people who follow the MSM do not think they parrot. The MSM hasn’t told them to be upset about anything you have mentioned so therefore they do not think about that. They fear what they are told to fear while not fearing what they should if they truly feared what they was being told to fear!


nowhere special
I can answer that question for you.. Because people who follow the MSM do not think they parrot. The MSM hasn’t told them to be upset about anything you have mentioned so therefore they do not think about that. They fear what they are told to fear while not fearing what they should if they truly feared what they was being told to fear!
the MSM only tells them half the story and they think they are informed.

The Driver

I drive.
Question for the cry baby liberals.
Why are we not closing the border and letting unvaccinated/sick people in? I thought this virus was super duper scary and deadly. No, they are gaming this virus for whatever they can cram through just like they did with 9/11. They are grabbing from pre existing wish list items and slamming them all under covid while they plunder your nation and expand their control over your life.
Why are your great virtuous democrat leaders ignoring their own lockdown protocols and even throwing lavish parties during this “pandemic”?
You people truly are stupid.
So completely overblown. The government has a responsibility to chew bubblegum and walk.

El Correcto

god is dead
I can answer that question for you.. Because people who follow the MSM do not think they parrot. The MSM hasn’t told them to be upset about anything you have mentioned so therefore they do not think about that. They fear what they are told to fear while not fearing what they should if they truly feared what they was being told to fear!
Wish it was just msm pushing this garbage.
These people are being bombarded by propaganda from all sides. Gobbling it up like pigs from their social media feeds, from basically all news sources, the government, the corporations they work for and their other brainwashed acquaintances out of social pressure.

Little piss ants 🐜 🐜.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
50% of America is not a minority.
Yep a bunch of Fat @sses everywhere not wanting to do anything for their health but want others to alter their life to protect them.

What school district requires the HPV vaccine?
Five routine childhood vaccines are generally required for children attending childcare or school in all states: diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus or DTaP for childcare and schools; Haemophilus influenzae type B or Hib for childcare; measles, mumps and rubella or MMR for childcare and schools; polio for childcare and schools and varicella or chickenpox for childcare and schools.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Question for the cry baby liberals.
Why are we not closing the border and letting unvaccinated/sick people in?
In July, the hottest month of the year, that's when you usually see the migrants not make that long trek to the border from Central America, 210,000 encounters in the month of July, the highest in 20 years.
The CDC, an arm of every administration, says that it's going to evoke title 42. Do you know what Title 42 is? If you know Title 42, you're a genius. Title 42 says that any foreign national is prohibited from entry into the United States when the director for Disease Control believes there's a serious danger to the introduction of a disease into the United States. So, this is going to be used to turn back migrants who don't have vax cards, and no migrants have vax cards because there is no vax in Mexico or Central America.

The Biden administration has found a loophole. Biden creates the problem, a million and a half foreign nationals encountered this fiscal year, and probably another million got in without an encounter, but now he's saying we're going to turn them all back if they don't have vaccination proof, which none of them will.