

Inordinately Right
Why did that 45 year old Texas GOP official die? If it was legitimate C-19 I thought the conservative body had a way to shut that whole thing down.
Do you realize when you tout these anecdotal stories as proof of your position, you're doing the exact same thing as anti vaxxers posting anecdotal stories of adverse effects?

You really are not helping your case here buddy.


I'm a star
"The Analytical Writer." "'Imply' means 'to indicate without stating' or 'to express indirectly.' 'Infer' means 'to draw a conclusion.' Thus, what a writer may 'imply,' a reader may 'infer.'"
Fun with words.

That's what I said. Your inference does not equate to my implication. It means you read something into it that wasn't there. I never even hinted that I have "inside sources" simply "better sources". A reasonable person does not read "better sources" and assume it means "inside sources". At very least, if you suspected that I meant that, you could ask for clarification. Since you made it clear that you misunderstood what I wrote, I clarified it for you. Even after that you still insisted that you knew what I meant better than I did. There's no justification for it, but you keep at it anyway.


Inordinately Right
Know someone who’s daughter died at 23 last September. Husband died at 48 last week. Both hospitalized with COVID and died a few days later.
Do you realize when you tout these anecdotal stories as proof of your position, you're doing the exact same thing as anti vaxxers posting anecdotal stories of adverse effects?

You really are not helping your case here buddy.


I'm a star
The absurdly ill-informed beliefs about the vax working and being safe here is astounding. My thanks to all of you brave explorers out there. Columbus' crew were brave too, they were also not well educated. A lot of them died. Hope this turns out better for you guys.
You are right we are much stronger then you snowflakes who are afraid of a little jab that can save your life. We want this pandemic to come to an end and get life back to normal for our selves, our children, and our grandchildren. No matter what the extreme right wing political agenda is.
You’re not ever getting your old life back whether you take one vaccine or twenty. You’ll always be a slave to the next demand. You’re like Charlie Brown always falling for Lucy holding the football down


I'm a star
Which I considered…and rejected

I guess this proves that people who don't suffer from TDS can and do think for themselves. Those people think Trump supporters are sheep are simply projecting, since that is their reality, and they don't even know what It's like not to mindlessly follow the orders of the people they believe to be their leaders.

The Driver

I drive.
That's what I said. Your inference does not equate to my implication. It means you read something into it that wasn't there. I never even hinted that I have "inside sources" simply "better sources". A reasonable person does not read "better sources" and assume it means "inside sources". At very least, if you suspected that I meant that, you could ask for clarification. Since you made it clear that you misunderstood what I wrote, I clarified it for you. Even after that you still insisted that you knew what I meant better than I did. There's no justification for it, but you keep at it anyway.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
trump was almost one of them. And he still went and got vaccinated along with his wife and adult children. He recommended that all of his followers get vaccinated.
Never trust Trump! Trump lied like 10 million times I was told over and over again, but now the Dems are telling me he said he got the vaccine. So this is the first time he told the truth and the first time the Dems trust and follow his advice while blaming his followers for not following him and not taking his advice? So who are his real followers? You can’t make this $ H I T Up 😂

El Correcto

god is dead
You are right we are much stronger then you snowflakes who are afraid of a little jab that can save your life. We want this pandemic to come to an end and get life back to normal for our selves, our children, and our grandchildren. No matter what the extreme right wing political agenda is.
He wasn’t referring to you car washer, now don’t forget to clean the windshield this time. Chop chop.


Well-Known Member

Look at this shoddy journalism.

They WANT healthy people to be dying. But they're not.

This man is muscular and lean, not healthy. He's a 42 year old long time amateur bodybuilder.

You can see his gynecomastia. That's a dead giveaway for steroid and insulin abuse, as is common in the bodybuilding community.

If you get that big, and stay that lean, at 42 years old, you are abusing drugs and have been for a long time.

Total organ and system failure happens all the time to 40 to 50 year old male bodybuilders even without covid.

But they just want to scare you.

El Correcto

god is dead
Question for the cry baby liberals.
Why are we not closing the border and letting unvaccinated/sick people in? I thought this virus was super duper scary and deadly. No, they are gaming this virus for whatever they can cram through just like they did with 9/11. They are grabbing from pre existing wish list items and slamming them all under covid while they plunder your nation and expand their control over your life.
Why are your great virtuous democrat leaders ignoring their own lockdown protocols and even throwing lavish parties during this “pandemic”?
You people truly are stupid.