

Inordinately Right
Lots of tough guys getting buried six feet under.
Yes, our older generations are much tougher than the soy boys that are crying about the Chinese Virus.

Yes, they are at risk, but for the most part they're not the ones demanding we muzzle ourselves, stop our children's education, and destroy our economy.
Yes, our older generations are much tougher than the soy boys that are crying about the Chinese Virus.

Yes, they are at risk, but for the most part they're not the ones demanding we muzzle ourselves, stop our children's education, and destroy our economy.
You are right we are much stronger then you snowflakes who are afraid of a little jab that can save your life. We want this pandemic to come to an end and get life back to normal for our selves, our children, and our grandchildren. No matter what the extreme right wing political agenda is.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If you're talking about the Chinese Virus, I've never even been tested. I've never been tested for the flu either. I have gotten sick since this all started. I didn't bother getting tested. I carried on with my life because I'm not a little bitch.
I thought I had read back where you were quarantined. My wife and I were sick also when all this started ,too. I did get tested. I had hoped it was the BIG C, but no such luck.
But, hey...Yes, sir. You showed 'em. You carried on with your life because not only are you not a little bitch but, you're a selfish little bitch.
Yes it's selfish people like you that are destroying this country.
Well said.
Like believing natural immunity is going to happen. It's not. Too many variants. The immunity is not going to happen naturally.
If you don't believe me, look at India, look at Brazil, look at the European nations. It's not going to happen.
The vaccine, just like polio, is the way to stop this.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King