

Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Everything is so simple to you.

simple question… Why did you take a vaccine that Trump (10 million lies) said to take while Biden and Harris (same fact checkers as Trump hasn’t found 1 lie of them) said they wouldn’t Trust a vaccine rushed out by Trump administration?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
And if you are not, so what? Let's move on. Once you stop coddling the unvaccinated, either they catch it and die, or, way more likely they gain naturally immunity. Some may even see what's happening and take the shot.

Like Wally said, don't coddle, fear will work better than anything.

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I'm a star
Israel isn't looking to good right now, and they had a very successful vaccination campaign.

I'm a lunatic when I make reference to that.


Well-Known Member
I'm a lunatic when I make reference to that.
And this is why everyone need to be paying very close attention to the situation in Israel. Almost all the Covid hospitalizations and deaths are vaccinated people there. Their vaccine campaign ramped up about 6 weeks before us in the US. Could this be us in 6 weeks?

This arguing over who is at fault is childish. Kinda like two Titanic officers blaming each other as the ship is sinking. If the vaccinated in Israel are developing ADE, we are all in big trouble.


Well-Known Member
my roommate whos a computer whiz and kinda cool says he cant figure out what to believe about vaccines. ditto for toyota shuttle driver