

Well-Known Member
You've got it backwards there, captain Ignorance.

It's a blood thinner, which is why it shouldn't be doubled up with warfarin.
Vitamin K thickens the blood. Opposite of warfarin. Any hematologist will tell you. If your numbers are too high (blood too thin) asparagus will quickly correct it.


Legio patria nostra
Why can't the world just listen to this administration?
If we can reverse the course of this Climate Change with a bunch of electric vehicles charged via diesel powered generators, we can rid the world of COVID if all Americans are vaccinated...It makes perfect sense, doesn't it???



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Why can't the world just listen to this administration?
If we can reverse the course of this Climate Change with a bunch of electric vehicles charged via diesel powered generators, we can rid the world of COVID if all Americans are vaccinated...It makes perfect sense, doesn't it???

This administration can clean up the climate of the USA so China and India can get all our polluting companies to come over there. Thank God the Pollution stays over in China and India’s air and never gets over here. True Science there.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
This administration can clean up the climate of the USA so China and India can get all our polluting companies to come over there. Thanks God the Pollution stays over in China and India’s air and never gets over here. True Science there.

lmfao where do you live in the USA with low pollution? Lol acting like USA doesn’t have pollution problem


Legio patria nostra
This administration can clean up the climate of the USA so China and India can get all our polluting companies to come over there. Thanks God the Pollution stays over in China and India’s air and never gets over here. True Science there.
Exactly! Who can question this logic?
Pretty soon, owning a pre-1975 car will be outlawed like "assault rifles"....


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
lmfao where do you live in the USA with low pollution? Lol acting like USA doesn’t have pollution problem

Pollution is a global problem. 1 country can’t clean up “global“ climate problems by putting restrictions on companies that just then leave to other countries that are the top polluters while all the climate Warriors are to scared to say a word to those countries. USA can destroy its economy by pushing companies to other countries that will just pollute the air that will work it’s way back into the air stream that will continue to pollute the globe.


Well-Known Member
Because blood clots are more dangerous than Covid for young, healthy people.
wrong….young people rarely, if ever, get a blood clot. The chance of a healthy 45 year old getting a blood clot is very, rare. Even with trauma causing it. They say once one gets a blood clot, they are 10 times more likely to get a second one, .001% chance I believe. Why are some so scared.


Well-Known Member
wrong….young people rarely, if ever, get a blood clot. The chance of a healthy 45 year old getting a blood clot is very, rare. Even with trauma causing it. They say once one gets a blood clot, they are 10 times more likely to get a second one, .001% chance I believe. Why are some so scared.
Because that's still higher than the risk of Covid, and Covid shots are of unknown extra risk of clotting.


Well-Known Member
I am asking a question. Less than 100,000 people die from blood clots, mostly older. Why are 2-3 million people so afraid?
The shot adds an unknown amount of clotting risk for younger people.

Worrying about it more than Covid makes sense, because Covid represents almost no risk for them.