
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Right-wing elites are all pushing the vaccine.


The Driver

I drive.
And I don't see any of them saying don't get vaccinated. What they do say is people have the right to make a choice as to what they put in their body. Something the Left disagrees with vehemently. The Left is fine with what one takes out of their body however, aka abortion.
Unvaccinated people that think they might have Covid should stay home. Say some prayers, give the virus some some of that straight shooter talk about China and the liberals’ role in this hoax, and ride it out in a gritty and self-reliant way.


Inordinately Right
Unvaccinated people that think they might have Covid should stay home. Say some prayers, give the virus some some of that straight shooter talk about China and the liberals’ role in this hoax, and ride it out in a gritty and self-reliant way.
Most unvaccinated people aren't at risk
Your silliness about staying home and praying is really funny.


Well-Known Member
Pro Vaccination
Anti Mask

Pro so what if I got the vax.
Pro so what if you didn't.
We waste alot of time here chasing nonsense he said/she said.

vaccinated people are getting the corona virus.
people who got the Virus once and should have natural immunity are getting it a second time.

my TV screen is fuzzy and moving the rabbit ears is not helping.


Well-Known Member
Unvaccinated people that think they might have Covid should stay home. Say some prayers, give the virus some some of that straight shooter talk about China and the liberals’ role in this hoax, and ride it out in a gritty and self-reliant way.
Whatever floats your boat sunshine.


I'm a star
Person: can I take Ivermectin to prevent or treat covid?

FDA: absolutely not! It has not been properly studied and we have not approved the use of Ivermectin in that context.

Person: have the vaccines been properly studied and approved?

FDA: no they haven't and you must absolutely get a vaccine.

Person: so, what's the point of the approval process?

FDA: Hey, Fauci, can you have Big Tech shut this person up?