
Netsua 3:16

You are incorrect. You have guys, I have reason and logic, and a much better grasp on science than you or your guys.
I think when he speaks of your “guys”
It’s probably those “real experts” you’ve been talking about but won’t reveal names so we can search them.
They claim that 70% have gotten the shot. The real numbers are under 40%.
For example, how in gods name do you get to this figure; WITHOUT the establishment? This is one of those crazy ass statements you make from time to time that disintegrates all those well though out diatribes that convey your super human ability to process information
Studies have shown either no difference between masks and no masks in post operative wound infection, or a higher incidence of wound infection with masks than without. Studies have also shown no difference between n95 masks and surgical masks in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses. Of the standard face masks, N95 have been the only ones shown to prevent infections, and only bacterial infections.
Again. Studies? Studies have shown. Who’s studies? Where? Is there a super secret underground medical industry who conducts these studies away from the mainstream?
You mean like all the real experts were saying over a year ago, and were defamed ceaselessly over it? Interesting. Is this when people stop believing the liars?
I’d love to search these experts you’re speaking of. Please, indulge us oh mighty Z as to who the “real experts” are
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Well-Known Member
The Biden administration will advise nearly all U.S. residents to get a booster shot against COVID-19 eight months after they completed their initial vaccinations. White House officials told reporters the plan is contingent on FDA approval but could be formally announced as early as this week. Public health officials believe the shots could provide additional protection against Delta and other emerging coronavirus variants.
The policy is likely to deepen the global vaccine divide. Of the 4.7 billion vaccines distributed worldwide, more than 80% have gone to the richest countries. The World Health Organization has called for a moratorium on booster shots until at least 10% of people in every nation have been vaccinated.



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Lol, the critics of the governor never explain how this will go away? It must burn through our population. Nothing they offer will change that fact.

Netsua 3:16

Lol, the critics of the governor never explain how this will go away? It must burn through our population. Nothing they offer will change that fact.
“How it will go away”
It goes away with time and vaccination.
AMAZING, isn’t it Wally?
Cmon man


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
“How it will go away”
It goes away with time and vaccination.
AMAZING, isn’t it Wally?
Cmon man
Going away with time can only mean herd immunity. That only happens by getting the virus.

The way I see it, vaccination serves to offer great protection from the virus's effects, but is not stopping it.
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