

Well-Known Member
Type 1 of 2?
Hillary what-difference-at-this-point-does-it-make.jpg

Dead is dead.

To answer the question, type 6 of 17 :winkiss: :thumbup1:.

El Correcto

god is dead
The Hermain Cain Award subreddit is a great place to laugh at other people’s dumb decisions that land them in the hospital or 6 feet under.
Every one of the award winners laughed at the people taking it seriously. Or were angry with simple public health measures. Oops. They died and it’s their fault.
It’s almost like the circle jerks you travel in don’t even care about covid, they just enjoy other’s misery and beating people over the head with a political stick. Says a lot about you bud.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.