

Well-Known Member
More like of the vaccinated
See, I've heard that what are you speak of is coming in the future, due to the vaccine not stopping transmission but merely reducing symptoms. But what I'm asking is about currently in the US it looks like most of the people dying are unvaccinated. That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. Looking for nuanced discussion not just "take the vaccine, dummy!" or "everyone who took the vaccine is gonna die soon!"

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
The news says "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated". I spoke to a hospital worker I trust who told me that in our local hospital, there are people dying, almost all them unvaccinated.

I feel like I'm being lied to by politicians and the news. I don't want to take the shot, for numerous reasons, but it defiantly appears that those that have had the shot are currently doing way better than those who haven't (in the USA).
Any fellow skeptics want to weigh in on if they believe it's true, and why that may be?
40% of those that have died had diabetes. Prior Inflammation diseases are bad news when it comes to covid.


Well-Known Member
There is no booster for the J & J vacs, yet. I'm not sure what to do, actually.

I'd be curious to hear your opinion on vaccine mandates and racism after seeing that video.
I don't know why you think that video would change my mind about vaccine mandates and racism. To me that woman just lacks a perspective of reality. She is right in that the Delta is a completely virus from the first virus and all the more reason to get a vaccine shot if it prevents hospitalization and death.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you think that video would change my mind about vaccine mandates and racism. To me that woman just lacks a perspective of reality. She is right in that the Delta is a completely virus from the first virus and all the more reason to get a vaccine shot if it prevents hospitalization and death.
The lady in the video said that there are going to be a lot of African-Americans who'll become unemployed and a lot less African-Americans who are going to get an education if the passports are implemented. So is your position "Too bad, that's their choice, they should've got the shot?"


Well-Known Member
The lady in the video said that there are going to be a lot of African-Americans who'll become unemployed and a lot less African-Americans who are going to get an education if the passports are implemented. So is your position "Too bad, that's their choice, they should've got the shot?"
My position is if she's worried about blacks being unemployed or under educated maybe she should start encouraging getting the vaccine and stop discouraging. There's also this extra benefit to getting the vaccine like not getting sick or hospitalized.


Well-Known Member
My position is if she's worried about blacks being unemployed or under educated maybe she should start encouraging getting the vaccine and stop discouraging. There's also this extra benefit to getting the vaccine like not getting sick or hospitalized.
OK, that makes sense. But do you agree that with some people, you're not gonna be able to change their minds? So, friend 'em?


I'm a star
See, I've heard that what are you speak of is coming in the future, due to the vaccine not stopping transmission but merely reducing symptoms. But what I'm asking is about currently in the US it looks like most of the people dying are unvaccinated. That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. Looking for nuanced discussion not just "take the vaccine, dummy!" or "everyone who took the vaccine is gonna die soon!"

From what I understand is that claims that unvaccinated dying in higher numbers is based on data that included time periods where the vaccine was not widely available. The current numbers in the US are anyone's guess (and for various reasons I would argue they always have been). But based on places where numbers aren't clearly being played around with to suit a narrative, the vaccine, whatever efficacy it has to start, wanes qiickly, and if you go that route you are looking at boosters as often as every 5 months, and we have almost zero data about safety issues after more than two shots. The fact that the protection wanes, plus the fact that they don't prevent infection or spread, puts these shots into the category of a prophylactic/therapeutic, rather than a vaccine.

The unvaccinated people dying now are the same ones who have always been at higher risk, and people in that condition often are unable to safely get the vaccine. The tide is starting to turn in the estaishment circles regarding other therapeutics, as they are more successful and safer for those who are already at high risk from covid.

When you break it down by demographics, the ones doing the best with the vaccine also happen to be in groups with the lowest overall risk from covid, and are actually doing worse compared to unvaccinated in the same groups. When you adjust for risk factors, the vaccine actually seems to have a negative efficacy rate.

As for your trusted friend, do they work in a covid unit? Or are they repeating the official information from the hospital? Are they seeing more previously low risk unvaccinated people in the hospital/dying from covid? Are patients there for other issues and being counted as covid? Are they still intubating actual covid patients? There are a lot of factors to sort through, and the politimedia is really good at smoothing over nuance and making overly simplistic proclamations to fit the narrative they are supporting. Hospitals, unfortunately, also have a financial incentive to report in a way that promotes the politimedia's narrative.

I can tell you, we have several hospitals laying off nurses and cutting hours because patients are being routed to larger, also understaffed hospitals, in order to give some credibility to the idea that the hospitals are being overrun.

Take any or all of that as you will, or not.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’m standing in solidarity with my black Americans. ✊🏿:censored2: these crazy whitey liberals trying to shoot us up with their experimental drugs, we ain’t got time for that.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I don't know why you think that video would change my mind about vaccine mandates and racism.
In other words... since many blacks have decided NOT to get vaccinated because of their distrust in government with what has happened to them in the past... They don't need to work (mandates will make this happen) because they will make up much of what constitutes not getting employment due to not being vaccinated. So, it seems that in the case of the black community, Mandates = Racism. Much more so than the usual claims of racism that are thrown around all the time. smh


I'm a star
In other words... since many blacks have decided NOT to get vaccinated because of their distrust in government with what has happened to them in the past... They don't need to work (mandates will make this happen) because they will make up much of what constitutes not getting employment due to not being vaccinated. So, it seems that in the case of the black community, Mandates = Racism. Much more so than the usual claims of racism that are thrown around all the time. smh

The EEOC warns against employers setting mandates that will create disparities for protected classes.


I'm a star
See, I've heard that what are you speak of is coming in the future, due to the vaccine not stopping transmission but merely reducing symptoms. But what I'm asking is about currently in the US it looks like most of the people dying are unvaccinated. That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. Looking for nuanced discussion not just "take the vaccine, dummy!" or "everyone who took the vaccine is gonna die soon!"

Check out Alex Berenson if you want a more thorough exploration of the stats.


I'm a star
OK, that makes sense. But do you agree that with some people, you're not gonna be able to change their minds? So, friend 'em?

The thing with extremists is that they can't tolerate dissent. Anyone who disagrees with them is automatically sub-human and deserves nothing less than the final solution.


Well-Known Member
Clearly an anti-vaxx conspiracy nut.

The most recent study in Israel confirmed what she said. Based on the conclusion of the study I will stick with my much stronger natural immunity.

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