

I'm a star
hmm thats very interesting. you could be right in part because this is deep art on many levels. maybe theres some connection between people being unthinking copies of each other and extinction level war or environmental destruction. neo doesnt copy himself, and smith does, so one points to a kind of mass consumption and one isnt. i am also sticking to karl marx's argument that unregulated capitalism is a revolutionary force which consumes everything until it consumes itself which im assuming the wachowskis also incorporated into this movie. smith was probably comparable to a virus and the matrix could just be seen as something which was untrue, and so as this virus destroyed the system it became increasingly obvious that what we were doing was wrong.

i mean theres likely alot of overlap with communism and american corporatism; you could argue theres alot of unthinking in north america and lack of individuality.

i cant recall the story of the animatrix i think the humans started it. but when ur lying to people to exploit them and giving them a :censored2:ty representation of life through computer screens ur partially guilty at least.

yea i agree smith is like govt and capitalism mixed in, i guess theres a difference between capitalism and corporatism, but even capitalism doesnt cut it for me, and if we didnt have corporatism would capitalism be sustainable?

yea the people of zion escaped the matrix so thats a kind of rebellion, but then their numbers got to big, they didnt attack the machines. maybe its comparable to what israel calls "mowing the lawn".

im interested in more examples of pathological ideas from you, i had to look up the word.

Morpheus and crew were attacking the machines from inside their software.

Capitalism would be sustainable apart from corporatism. The pathology of corporatism is the separation from liability for one's actions. We are seeing the fruit of this pathology bearing out with rushed to market, coercively enforced treatments for which neither government officials nor corporations can ever be held liable. When a problem pops up from their products, they look for another profit generating solution, they don't stop pushing it.

Capitalism is simply an economic system wherein people invest their money into systems that add value to resources, which describes a large number of economic systems to some degree. Free market capitalism is an economic system wherein anyone is free to participate in investing in the market. Competition and liability within a free market help protect consumers and the economy from bad actors. But, the free market is handicapped when government steps in and carves out protections for some players and not for others. The elimination of liability allows for businesses to thrive that would not be able to otherwise. As they grow, they eliminate competition, further destroying free markets.

Insulating oneself, or an entire class of people, from the consequences of their actions, or, specifically, the necessity of such, is a pathological idea sold by sociopathic people who seek to aquire power. To preserve freedom, and maintain a balance of power, the falsehood that people can be free of responsibility for their actions must be recognized and shut down every time it pops up.

To that end it is important to understand when someone (particularly those in positions of authority) is trying to alter your behavior, because when they do so, it is almost always for their good, and not yours. Educational psychologists have determined four modes for conditioning behavior. Those are positive and negative punishment, and positive and negative reinforcement. A positive punishment is one that introduces a pain generating stimulus, and a negative punishment is when a pleasure generating stimulus is removed. Positive reinforcement is when a pleasure generating stimulus is introduced, and negative is when a pain generating stimulus is removed. That is about all you need to understand to be able to recognize when you are being manipulated into accepting pathological ideas.


Inordinately Right
So Ecohealth Alliance gets hundreds of thousands of American tax dollars to do gain of function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

An outbreak happens and the communist Chinese cover it up for months, allowing it to spread into a global pandemic.

So who does the World Health Organization send on their investigation team into the origins of the virus? Peter Daszak, the President of Ecohealth Alliance.

Shockingly the investigation was inconclusive.
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Well-Known Member
So Ecohealth Alliance gets hundreds of thousands of American tax dollars to do gain of function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

An outbreak happens and the communist Chinese cover it up for months, allowing it to spread into a global pandemic.

So who does the World Health Organization send on their investigation team into the origins of the virus? Peter Daszak, the President of Ecohealth Alliance.

Shockingly the investigation was inconclusive.
Fake news


Well-Known Member
Morpheus and crew were attacking the machines from inside their software.

Capitalism would be sustainable apart from corporatism. The pathology of corporatism is the separation from liability for one's actions. We are seeing the fruit of this pathology bearing out with rushed to market, coercively enforced treatments for which neither government officials nor corporations can ever be held liable. When a problem pops up from their products, they look for another profit generating solution, they don't stop pushing it.

Capitalism is simply an economic system wherein people invest their money into systems that add value to resources, which describes a large number of economic systems to some degree. Free market capitalism is an economic system wherein anyone is free to participate in investing in the market. Competition and liability within a free market help protect consumers and the economy from bad actors. But, the free market is handicapped when government steps in and carves out protections for some players and not for others. The elimination of liability allows for businesses to thrive that would not be able to otherwise. As they grow, they eliminate competition, further destroying free markets.

Insulating oneself, or an entire class of people, from the consequences of their actions, or, specifically, the necessity of such, is a pathological idea sold by sociopathic people who seek to aquire power. To preserve freedom, and maintain a balance of power, the falsehood that people can be free of responsibility for their actions must be recognized and shut down every time it pops up.

To that end it is important to understand when someone (particularly those in positions of authority) is trying to alter your behavior, because when they do so, it is almost always for their good, and not yours. Educational psychologists have determined four modes for conditioning behavior. Those are positive and negative punishment, and positive and negative reinforcement. A positive punishment is one that introduces a pain generating stimulus, and a negative punishment is when a pleasure generating stimulus is removed. Positive reinforcement is when a pleasure generating stimulus is introduced, and negative is when a pain generating stimulus is removed. That is about all you need to understand to be able to recognize when you are being manipulated into accepting pathological ideas.
havent heard enough about what you said about corporations vs capitalism. usually they dont distinguish and also go straight to the idea that "those who work in the mills ought to own them". indeed in the movie the corporation they descibed corporations as sociopaths or psychopaths i forget.


Inordinately Right
Actually it's not. Just another fake conspiracy from the far right wackos like you.
The intercept is not a far right conspiracy site. In fact, it's a left wing organization. Their reporting is based on documents released in connection with ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation by The Intercept against the National Institutes of Health.

I laid out no conspiracy theory. I simply stated facts that anyone who isn't a complete idiot could easily verify for themselves.

Carry on.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Fake news


Fake news
The intercept is not a far right conspiracy site. In fact, it's a left wing organization. Their reporting is based on documents released in connection with ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation by The Intercept against the National Institutes of Health.

I laid out no conspiracy theory. I simply stated facts that anyone who isn't a complete idiot could easily verify for themselves.

Carry on.

There's really no point in even responding to Makaveli anymore. His TDS has turned his brain into Smucker's strawberry jam.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It's amazing how much covid blame disappeared since Dems took over the White House? Biden, if measured by the parameters Trump was judged by is failing big time on Covid!



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns