

Well-Known Member
Cases are dropping hospitalizations are are leveling off.

Not shocked by the timing of this at all. See the natural decline of it coming. Announce some bogus covid plan. Take credit for the natural decline. Pretty hilarious.
Naturally declining. Lol.
Cases and deaths have been on the rise since Delta took over. Where the :censored2: you get your information? Out of a Crackerjack box?


Well-Known Member
Until you see a hospital like this, none are overrun.

They're all whining.


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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
A slight decline of this current wave because of vaccination not natural. Your post also stated community transmission remains high.
This is definitely not a drop because of vaccination alone. It might be combined immunity from natural and vaccinated but not vaccinated alone.

Its not like vaccine rates have spiked in the last week. If anything we know at this point many peoples vaccinated immunity is wearing off.


Well-Known Member
This is definitely not a drop because of vaccination alone. It might be combined immunity from natural and vaccinated but not vaccinated alone.

Its not like vaccine rates have spiked in the last week. If anything we know at this point many peoples vaccinated immunity is wearing off.
We also know all new vaccinations are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after the 2nd shot. Before Delta cases went down with vaccinations. The same thing is happening with Delta.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s gonna get ugly. I’m vaccinated but I’m not :censored2:ing walking around with proof to go to eat or the grocery store or a concert. They’re gonna absolutely cater the economy if they aren’t careful.
I’m pro vaxxer anti masker.
I hear what you’re saying. My freedom, your freedom. Freedom to choose. In given choice, you are given consequence.
The grocery store owner, restaurant owner or the concert promoter has the same freedom.
No vaccination, no entry. It’s their choice.
Allowing everyone choice. Freedom, baby, freedom.


Well-Known Member
I have to point out again lest we forget there were many many posters on this message board that insisted that if trump lost, the media, the medical community, the CDC, and the Democratic party would move on from covid, wouldn't care about the deaths, wouldn't report the deaths, wouldn't issue mask mandates, etc and so on because COVID was a hoax the mask mandates, the shutting down the economy was all done to hurt trump and destroy the economy and they wouldn't do that while they were in the presidency. Well based on objective reality that was clearly wrong. None of those predictions came to pass. Not one.

Just once, I'd like to see the people who got that wrong admit it and think about why they were wrong. It would really be interesting to see it.


Well-Known Member
What's interesting is the same people were also wrong about how many Americans would die from covid. they insisted we couldn't know how many people had died that the media was hyping up the numbers the CDC and medical community were hyping up the deaths to hurt trump and once a democrat was in office, they'd stop inflating the deaths. these same posters were wrong about COVID fading away during the summer. They were wrong about trump's chinese ban saving the day and preventing COVID outbreaks in America, I remember arguing that trump's ban had failed back in March or April of 2020 and being assured no his ban was a huge success at stopping the spread of the virus in America. these same posters pushed hydroxywhatever as a cure for covid.
Many posters have an 18 month track record of being objectively wrong about COVID, and yet they don't stfu about Covid and just keep being wrong.


Well-Known Member
In terms of Biden doing some sort of vaccine mandate for private employers through OSHA and the enforcement mechanism being fines, we shall see how robust and planned out these orders are and how well OSHA carries out the mandate.
Personally though if it is rolled out fairly well and employers face real consequences, employees will get vaccinated and all of this pretend "outrage" won't amount to anything. Nearly every American has gotten mandated vaccines, this is no different. and mfers will move on and we can finally be free from 1000Americans dying every day from COVID.


Strength through joy
Funny, how the same government that declares the Texas abortion laws as unhealthy but is ok with forcing people to take an experimental "cure" that isn't.


I'm a star
Funny, how the same government that declares the Texas abortion laws as unhealthy but is ok with forcing people to take an experimental "cure" that isn't.

"When people are able to make choices, without government interference, for themselves in terms of their wellbeing, and the wellbeing of their family in consultation with whomever they may choose, we are a stronger society."

-Kamala Harris


Inordinately Right
In terms of Biden doing some sort of vaccine mandate for private employers through OSHA and the enforcement mechanism being fines, we shall see how robust and planned out these orders are and how well OSHA carries out the mandate.
Personally though if it is rolled out fairly well and employers face real consequences, employees will get vaccinated and all of this pretend "outrage" won't amount to anything. Nearly every American has gotten mandated vaccines, this is no different. and mfers will move on and we can finally be free from 1000Americans dying every day from COVID.


Well-Known Member
Funny, how the same government that declares the Texas abortion laws as unhealthy but is ok with forcing people to take an experimental "cure" that isn't.
I don't know man it seems to me Americans are very used to getting mandated vaccines.

DTaP: Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis
All 50 states and DC require the DTap vaccine (or another vaccine combination for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) for kindergarten entry.

IPV: Polio
All 50 states and DC require the IPV vaccine for kindergarten entry.

Varicella: Chickenpox
All 50 states and DC require the varicella vaccine for kindergarten entry, though some will accept proof of immunity instead of vaccination. Some states list the MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine as appropriate.

MMR: Measles, Mumps, & Rubella
49 states and DC require the MMR vaccine for kindergarten entry. Some states list the MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine as appropriate.
Iowa, the only state to not require the MMR vaccine, requires a measles and a rubella vaccine, but not a mumps vaccine.

HepB: Hepatitis B
44 states and DC require the Hep B vaccine for kindergarten entry. Alabama, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont do not require the HepB vaccine for kindergarten entry.

HepA: Hepatitis A
17 states require the Hep A vaccine for kindergarten entry: Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

Hib: Haemophilus Influenza Type b
Some states require this vaccine if the child is entering kindergarten before turning 5 years old. We have included only vaccine requirements for all kindergartners. Please consult your state requirements if the child will be 4 years old when entering kindergarten.

PCV: Pneumococcal
Some states require this vaccine if the child is entering kindergarten before turning 5 years old. We have included only vaccine requirements for all kindergartners. Please consult your state requirements if the child will be 4 years old when entering kindergarten.


Well-Known Member
Like what is this irrational rational from republican elected officials about mandated vaccines? Oh I'll require everyone to get 5 vaccine shots that's not tyranny, but requiring them to get the COVID vaccine is tyranny? This makes nosense.

What are republican voters thinking? Oh I have been mandated to get like 5 vaccine shots and didn't raise a peep about my freedom, but a covid vaccine requirement is tyranny? Again this thinking makes nosense.