BastardsProbably because Beagles are not aggressive so the P U $ $ I E S torturing them won’t get ate alive.
That is Beagle speak for "Let's go Brandon"
Fake newsFauci is one responsible for gain of function that has made this Virus able to infect humans so without his research we would not be where we are today. It is now being found out Fauci is doing studies that torture animals for no purpose except to keep the tax payer dollars coming in for yet more experiments. We have people even amongst us that say he is a scientist that we should be listening to and these people even believe in him enough to do as he says. Lines that have been drawn are getting clearer and clearer.
Anthony Fauci’s Freakshow: NIH Conducted Psychological Torture Experiments on Monkeys
This sick Bastard just keeps on giving. None of these experiments has any medical purpose.
Never-before-seen videos depict distraught monkeys chained by the neck in tiny cages being tormented with rubber spiders and mechanical snakes, objects the primates instinctively fear, just to observe their reactions. NIH “white coats” sucked out parts of these monkeys’ brains or destroyed them with toxic acid to intentionally worsen the primates’ fear. In the video, a callous NIH “white coat” can be heard joking, “Where the hell is the dancing monkey?,” after one of the tests on the terrified monkeys ends.
Barry Manilow loves Beagles. Anything else?BrownFlush said:
Looks like Beagles... no loss here. Ask him.
Animals exist for humans to use for food and research.It is true that obligated funds were issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the amount of $424,555 for research conducted at the University of Georgia to test the efficacy of a potential vaccine for lymphatic filariasis on beagle subjects. However, it is unclear whether Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at NIH, personally approved the project. Research conducted on behalf of NIAID is funded in large part through annual funds allocated by Congress and the president. A University of Georgia spokesperson indicated that testing on dogs was, in fact, necessary, and that all humane standards set by applicable agencies were adhered to.
Humane research.Animals exist for humans to use for food and research.
Could it be done any other way?Humane research.
Torture? Never acceptable.
Fake news
That's pretty much my take.Could it be done any other way?
If so, then it should be done another way.
If doing it this way yields unique knowledge, I have no objection.
Standards have been put in place for experimenting.Could it be done any other way?
If so, then it should be done another way.
If doing it this way yields unique knowledge, I have no objection.
I'm not sure that these are violations.Standards have been put in place for experimenting.
Like everything, I'm sure violations occur.
I don't know why they used dogs for this particular test either.That's pretty much my take.
I don't have a problem with animal testing but I don't see why they needed to use dogs.
Culturally we treat dogs differently than other animals, but of course these sick scientists have no respect for American culture or our way of life.