

I'm a star
I guess "long covid" is all in their heads. Not the blood clots in the brain, that's from the vaccine.



I'm a star


Strength through joy
This has got to be true.
CNN is a valid news source.

Andrew Linder had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and later an additional dose and a booster.
"I had no antibodies whatsoever. That was shocking and scary and sucky for sure," Linder told CNN. "I almost feel just as unsafe or if not potentially a little bit more unsafe now than at the beginning of the pandemic, just for the fact that I could get it at this point in time."


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
This has got to be true.
CNN is a valid news source.

Andrew Linder had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and later an additional dose and a booster.
"I had no antibodies whatsoever. That was shocking and scary and sucky for sure," Linder told CNN. "I almost feel just as unsafe or if not potentially a little bit more unsafe now than at the beginning of the pandemic, just for the fact that I could get it at this point in time."
Worthless vaccine


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
With 92% of adults & 91.2% of everyone 12+ least partially vaccinated, Vermont now has one of the highest infection rates in the US and cases are up 16,700% in the past 4 months Hard to imagine a less scientifically justifiable policy than vaccine passports to keep others “safe”

Graph is in the link ^^^

June 3rd Fauci said "With 50% of Adults vaccinated, I'm fairly certain you're not going to see the kind of surges we've seen in the past"
Can’t imagine anything more stupid than forcing people to get this useless vaccine.