

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Required means required.

They're not required of everyone.

That means it's not a requirement.
  • 1.officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; indispensable:

Can you define these words while you're at it? Comply, Agree, Yield, Mandate,...Throw in the definition of sexual relations while you're on a roll. Let me guess ...Sexual relations means sexual relations.


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect to teach English on a Monday night. But whatever.

If they're not done, they're not essential. If they're not done, they're dispensable. If they're not done, and that's fine, they're not compulsory.

You could have a school of 100% exceptions, no vaccinated students, and this yahoo over here would still be calling them required.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I didn't expect to teach English on a Monday night. But whatever.

If they're not done, they're not essential. If they're not done, they're dispensable. If they're not done, and that's fine, they're not compulsory.

You could have a school of 100% exceptions, no vaccinated students, and this yahoo over here would still be calling them required.
Not calling it required, but required as the site states.
You going to pass on the definitions of the other words?


Well-Known Member
Both are miniscule. Problem with natural immunity is that it's a crap shoot at best to be infected without vaccination.
I can name a dozen people in my life who have gotten vaccinated and got infected.

I can't name anyone in the country who got verifiably reinfected, and who then had a problem or gave a problem to someone else.

Not even close.