

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
They’re still testing applications against different diseases.

The synthesis and development of ivermectin by Merck in the 1970s and 1980s provided a breakthrough treatment against infectious diseases transmitted by parasites. This discovery resulted from an international collaboration that screened hundreds of natural products to identify a promising lead compound. Merck scientists synthesized thousands of analogs of this lead and tested them. The result, ivermectin, offered a highly effective treatment for several parasitic diseases affecting a variety of animals. Following its approval for human use in 1987, Merck established a worldwide program to donate ivermectin as Mectizan® to treat onchocerciasis (river blindness), greatly reducing the prevalence of this debilitating disease. In 2015, Merck scientist William Campbell shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his role in developing ivermectin.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Didn’t say that.
Waiting for you to reveal the studies that prove ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You have produced nothing I asked.
Your responses are like some whipped dog that keeps running in a circle.
Sorry I’m done with you boo boo the clown. BTW you’re not worth a response, you would only say it wasn’t true just like the other brainwashed sheep.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Sorry I’m done with you boo boo the clown. BTW you’re not worth a response, you would only say it wasn’t true just like the other brainwashed sheep.
Still running in a circle like a whipped dog.
Why attack personal?
Just produce the credible studies that ivermectin ( what you keep spouting conspiracies about )is effective in treating covid.
This would help your stupidity, willful ignorance, propagandist, sheep mentality.
If you can, that be great. If you can't, just keep showin' your ass.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I gave you a dislike because your post was dripping with projection:
Project a credible study.
Again, I don't understand why you're obsessed w
Again, no obsession.
you are everything you just accused someone else of being.
he drew first blood
Anyone who refers to ivermectin as only a horse deworming medicine is either incredibly stupid or willfully ignorant. Or a propagandist.