

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy

Cuomo health department admits New York nursing home deaths topped 12,743 - 49% HIGHER than previously reported: AG puts 20 facilities under investigation​



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

"But seems to me anti-vaxers don’t have any such reluctance to take up hospital beds when they suffer serious effects of COVID themselves, which seems kind of hypocritical. I mean, if you’re going to commit, then commit all the way.
Walk the walk, baby. Otherwise, you’re just making a half-assed stand – denouncing medicine that could save you if you get hit with this thing, but then embracing it when you wind up suffering the consequence of your own actions." -Kerr

Kerr: If you reject the vaccine, reject the hospital bed too


Well-Known Member

"But seems to me anti-vaxers don’t have any such reluctance to take up hospital beds when they suffer serious effects of COVID themselves, which seems kind of hypocritical. I mean, if you’re going to commit, then commit all the way.
Walk the walk, baby. Otherwise, you’re just making a half-assed stand – denouncing medicine that could save you if you get hit with this thing, but then embracing it when you wind up suffering the consequence of your own actions." -Kerr

Kerr: If you reject the vaccine, reject the hospital bed too
A lot of the people I know who reject the vaccine wouldn't go to the hospital. They believe that the hospitals are administering the expensive brand drugs that aren't effective, or are even harmful, like Remdesevir. They deny you access to off-label cheap generic medicine, even if you have a doctor write you a prescription. Then they really seem to like to put you on a ventilator.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
A lot of the people I know who reject the vaccine wouldn't go to the hospital. They believe that the hospitals are administering the expensive brand drugs that aren't effective, or are even harmful, like Remdesevir. They deny you access to off-label cheap generic medicine, even if you have a doctor write you a prescription. Then they really seem to like to put you on a ventilator.
Sounds like a conspiracy.
Think of the 10's of thousands of people involved in the great demise.
Yeah, that's what's happening.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is a conspiracy. There is a conspiracy to punish doctors who prescribe certain medicine that is both safe and has been successful in the early treatment of covid. There is a conspiracy to not allow the publication of science that concludes these medicines are beneficial. I can't prove it is Big Pharma in charge of the conspiracy, but clearly doctors are not allowed right now to help their patients in the best way they can.

Anyway, call me a conspiracy theorist. I don't know with certainty that the horse paste or the bleach that Trump said to swallow, is effective against the virus. Maybe the media and the fact checkers are right and all the anti vaxxers are wrong. It's hard to know who to believe.

But I don't want the vaccines for the same reasons why I don't want flu shots. Plus I don't know what the long term effects will be.
I see you're not allowed to discuss your side effects on reddit or facebook, you'll get banned. That doesn't give me confidence. There is so much pressure coming it feels like they're trying to force me to take the vaccine, and it worries me and angers me. So it's true, I am looking for any media that supports my conclusions.

I also get angry with stuff like the article you posted, which tries to blame anti vaxxers for all the problems we're having with the corona virus. At what point do you stop being mad at the unvaxxed. 90% vax rate? 99.5% vax rate? I don't know if this is true, but I've heard that the higher the country's vax rate, the higher the growth of cases.