The question has to be asked, if the vaccines were deadly enough to kill hundreds of thousands of otherwise young and healthy people in a short time after taking them, then why didn't they kill tens of millions? Hundreds of millions? Including many who were elderly and frail?
I had a 99% blocked artery when I was 49. Appears many of the 40% higher than normal mortality rate who died between the ages of 18 and 54 had a heart related death. Could it be that the diet many Americans eat combined with the vaccines caused people with already clogging arteries to die? Or those who smoked cigarettes or marijuana combined with the vaccines died from lung issues and/or heart issues? Too many people haven't already died after getting vaccinated to assume it's strictly a vaccine issue. The problem is these were rushed to market and not properly tested in control groups. By the way I had a heart attack in March two days after being vaccinated. Two arteries clogged. Had some chest pain well before the vaccination though. It was the Johnson and Johnson, not the mRNA ones. It may have contributed, I'll never know.