
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
we will implement a no fly zone and bomb u with syrup drops


I'm a star
So the commies have figured out how to take our guns away?

View attachment 385945

I just about nailed it with that one. I suspect the mass shootings will continue until resistance to gun grabbing will drop significantly.


I'm a star
If you manage to live 300 more years you'll be saying "it's coming, just you wait and see!" the whole time.

All you ever seem to do is make claims that you have zero way to ever prove. It's almost like you've never heard of civilization cycles. "This is the greatest country ever! It will never be destroyed." You're just too much. Lol.

The difference between you and me is I'm looking at what is actually happening right now.
And ignoring what's staring you in the face.

An incompetent administration. An incompetent party in power in Congress. Economic woes. International woes. We've got enough problems without having to make ones up.
I haven't made up a single one. You think there's no one who wouldn't take advantage of a weak and corrupt government? That's pretty naive.

You on the other hand want to speculate on possible motives.
No speculation needed. It's undeniable that some people seek to increase their own power and control.

You're on the lookout for evil intent.
No need to look for it, it's in your face all the time.

And believe it's all coming to a head with big government, big tech, big pharma, big everything all in cahoots to treat us like chattel. Good luck with that. It must be stressful.
Aw, thanks for your concern. That's so sweet of you. It's nothing I can't handle. I realize some other people are so overwhelmed by reality that they glue their eyeballs to any screen with someone on it who will tell them reassuring lies, which allows them to sleep at night. I sleep like a baby without having my mind numbed by infotainment.

The mocker seeks wisdom from conspiracy theorists, and finds none.
At least you admit that you're a mocker. That was stunning and brave of you. You literally just admitted that nothing you say has any legitimacy. Clearly you won't find wisdom, anywhere.


Well-Known Member
All you ever seem to do is make claims that you have zero way to ever prove. It's almost like you've never heard of civilization cycles. "This is the greatest country ever! It will never be destroyed." You're just too much. Lol.

And ignoring what's staring you in the face.

I haven't made up a single one. You think there's no one who wouldn't take advantage of a weak and corrupt government? That's pretty naive.

No speculation needed. It's undeniable that some people seek to increase their own power and control.

No need to look for it, it's in your face all the time.

Aw, thanks for your concern. That's so sweet of you. It's nothing I can't handle. I realize some other people are so overwhelmed by reality that they glue their eyeballs to any screen with someone on it who will tell them reassuring lies, which allows them to sleep at night. I sleep like a baby without having my mind numbed by infotainment.

At least you admit that you're a mocker. That was stunning and brave of you. You literally just admitted that nothing you say has any legitimacy. Clearly you won't find wisdom, anywhere.
You're so desperate to marginalize me. Tell you what, keep up the stuff like Elon Musk is building a satellite network that'll be used to control us. Let people judge for themselves if you're a prophet or a crackpot. He and his cadre of elites are going to put all of us non compliant folks in concentration camps or so I hear on the grapevine.


Well-Known Member
Everything is iterative and incremental you just have to look over your shoulder and see where we were and where we are now.

How do you eat an elephant.

One bite at a time.
People are on the internet ripping the government for doing evil all day long and no one is breaking down their door and dragging them away. Those are very small bites lol. Must have had a stomach bypass.


Well-Known Member
People are on the internet ripping the government for doing evil all day long and no one is breaking down their door and dragging them away. Those are very small bites lol. Must have had a stomach bypass.
I’m not here to argue with you, we probably agree on more than we disagree on. you believe what you want these are the things that “they’ve said” and “they’ve done” it’s not a untrue conspiracy. Just because they have not been able to go through with it yet is a testament to our constitution, that they are slowly eroding.
I remember watching that video probably 8 to 10 years ago and even I said this guy has no idea what he’s talking about and today we find out everything he said was true. 911 was there opportunity to pass unconstitutional laws without going through the legislative process. Just like COVID-19 these are all practices for something else. Stay vigilant.


Well-Known Member
I’m not here to argue with you, we probably agree on more than we disagree on. you believe what you want these are the things that “they’ve said” and “they’ve done” it’s not a untrue conspiracy. Just because they have not been able to go through with it yet is a testament to our constitution, that they are slowly eroding.
I remember watching that video probably 8 to 10 years ago and even I said this guy has no idea what he’s talking about and today we find out everything he said was true. 911 was there opportunity to pass unconstitutional laws without going through the legislative process. Just like COVID-19 these are all practices for something else. Stay vigilant.
Or, could be those laws were implemented to catch terrorist plots being hatched before they happen. If the government is overstepping their bounds and violating privacy laws then we need to deal with it in the courts. But it seems with many everything the government does has nefarious motives. If we aren't willing to accept a certain amount of vigilance on the government's part to keep us safe then walk away from computers and cellphones. Go low tech offgrid. Because if one chooses to participate in any way with modern communications one has to accept that government algorithms are looking for anything that might hurt us or the government. It's supposed to be vigilant against all enemies foreign and domestic. And if it ever misses another 9/11 type attack I'll be one of the first to question why considering all they have at their disposal.


Well-Known Member
Or, could be those laws were implemented to catch terrorist plots being hatched before they happen. If the government is overstepping their bounds and violating privacy laws then we need to deal with it in the courts. But it seems with many everything the government does has nefarious motives. If we aren't willing to accept a certain amount of vigilance on the government's part to keep us safe then walk away from computers and cellphones. Go low tech offgrid. Because if one chooses to participate in any way with modern communications one has to accept that government algorithms are looking for anything that might hurt us or the government. It's supposed to be vigilant against all enemies foreign and domestic. And if it ever misses another 9/11 type attack I'll be one of the first to question why considering all they have at their disposal.
Yes until you become the “enemy” for wanting to keep your constitutional rights.


Well-Known Member
Yes until you become the “enemy” for wanting to keep your constitutional rights.
Except that's not happening. Joe Biden going off about the MAGA crowd or liberals in general carping about guns doesn't make it so. A free country means they have the right to their opinions no matter how onerous. We think they're out of their minds, and vice versa. And those who think they can shut down dissent to their ideas and get physical, like the Antifa thugs, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But wait, George Soros and others have funded off the wall district attorneys who are ignoring the law. And the public is reacting to that. It's a shame that we have to go through all the pain caused by idiots, but rather than believe it's all going in the toilet we should recognize that extremes tend to push the public in the other direction. As we should see in November.


I'm a star
@zubenelgenubi how long has the NSA been out of control for i forget

This sort of thing had been happening since around WWI. It gained enough acceptance among the general public after the patriot act that most people are ok with being spied on, most of the rest live in denial and call people conspiracy theorists when they point out the obvious.


I'm a star
You're so desperate to marginalize me.

Another fantasy of yours that you attribute to me. Who calls who a paranoid, conspiracy theorist crackpot? Lol.

Tell you what, keep up the stuff like Elon Musk is building a satellite network that'll be used to control us. Let people judge for themselves if you're a prophet or a crackpot.
He and his cadre of elites are going to put all of us non compliant folks in concentration camps or so I hear on the grapevine.

I don't know that Elon Musk has those intentions. Maybe he really just does like solving problems. I'm skeptical of him at the moment. At very least he doesn't seem to understand the potential misuse of his product.

Rand Paul, and several other sources, have pointed out the fact that the WHO has contracted a German Tech firm to create a digital vaccine passport. The WEF has plans for creating a digital currency system that tracks individual "carbon footprint". Clearly the patriot act wasn't enough of a wake up call for you, nor the last two years with how far and fast "free Democratic societies" can devolve into totalitarian hellscapes. I'm sure you'll still be calling me paranoid as your digital currency gets frozen because you are over your carbon footprint limit for the month. Or do we stand up and tell them "no" before that?