

Well-Known Member
So you foresee civil-war. Ok. I prefer to help sway public opinion by pointing out things that are happening, in hopes of actually preventing war. You accuse me of vilifying the "other side" in order to foment civil war. But it is you who is happy to deny reality, while civil war is how you expect things will be addressed, "in case" you're wrong. Once again, you attribute your own bizarre notions to me.
No, I see people standing up and saying no. I have no desire to see a civil war and I don't believe half of the things you're suggesting will come to pass. A lot of this is fantasy that people buy into for whatever reason. The reality on the ground is the middle class is shrinking and people are angry about their situation. But things may change. Or they may get worse. But as long as we have 100 million gun owners and a dedicated military even Biden, AOC and company will eventually pass. Have faith in your country. It has been through a lot worse than overgrown children wanting freebies.


I'm a star
No, I see people standing up and saying no. I have no desire to see a civil war and I don't believe half of the things you're suggesting will come to pass. A lot of this is fantasy that people buy into for whatever reason. The reality on the ground is the middle class is shrinking and people are angry about their situation. But things may change. Or they may get worse. But as long as we have 100 million gun owners and a dedicated military even Biden, AOC and company will eventually pass. Have faith in your country. It has been through a lot worse than overgrown children wanting freebies.

Stand up and say no? That'll show 'em! Lol.

When you say this country will split apart, you aren't suggesting a civil war? Do you envision a "Great Divorce" type split up? The last time that was tried it ended up in civil war, but maybe the criminal syndicate will just sit back and let us leave peacefully this time.

Also, with your recurring reference to 100 million armed people, what do you imagine will happen when the government comes for the guns? They just let us keep them as we draw new boundaries?


Well-Known Member
Stand up and say no? That'll show 'em! Lol.

When you say this country will split apart, you aren't suggesting a civil war? Do you envision a "Great Divorce" type split up? The last time that was tried it ended up in civil war, but maybe the criminal syndicate will just sit back and let us leave peacefully this time.

Also, with your recurring reference to 100 million armed people, what do you imagine will happen when the government comes for the guns? They just let us keep them as we draw new boundaries?
If what you've been saying were to all come true then yes, we'd have a civil war on our hands. But a lot of what you're saying is highly unlikely to come true. Much of the rest will get settled at the ballot box. Some of you fellows are given to flights of fancy. Have a very vivid imagination. And guess what? The government isn't going to come for the guns. Not in our lifetime.


I'm a star
If what you've been saying were to all come true then yes, we'd have a civil war on our hands. But a lot of what you're saying is highly unlikely to come true. Much of the rest will get settled at the ballot box. Some of you fellows are given to flights of fancy. Have a very vivid imagination. And guess what? The government isn't going to come for the guns. Not in our lifetime.

You're the one given to flights of fancy, and (second verse same as the first) you convince yourself that your fantasies are mine. What difference does it make when they come for the guns? I guess as long as you die before it happens then you can stay secure in your denial up to your moment of death. Some of us care about the world we leave behind.

I guess you haven't seen posts I've made regarding the current attempts to take our guns. (Plausible deniability, I get it, if you "didn't know" you can't be blamed for standing by and letting it happen). All it'll take is Clarence Thomas kicking the bucket, and the supreme court won't stop the gun grab.


Well-Known Member
You're the one given to flights of fancy, and (second verse same as the first) you convince yourself that your fantasies are mine. What difference does it make when they come for the guns? I guess as long as you die before it happens then you can stay secure in your denial up to your moment of death. Some of us care about the world we leave behind.

I guess you haven't seen posts I've made regarding the current attempts to take our guns. (Plausible deniability, I get it, if you "didn't know" you can't be blamed for standing by and letting it happen). All it'll take is Clarence Thomas kicking the bucket, and the supreme court won't stop the gun grab.
If you manage to live 300 more years you'll be saying "it's coming, just you wait and see!" the whole time. The difference between you and me is I'm looking at what is actually happening right now. An incompetent administration. An incompetent party in power in Congress. Economic woes. International woes. We've got enough problems without having to make ones up. You on the other hand want to speculate on possible motives. You're on the lookout for evil intent. And believe it's all coming to a head with big government, big tech, big pharma, big everything all in cahoots to treat us like chattel. Good luck with that. It must be stressful.

The mocker seeks wisdom from conspiracy theorists, and finds none.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If what you've been saying were to all come true then yes, we'd have a civil war on our hands. But a lot of what you're saying is highly unlikely to come true. Much of the rest will get settled at the ballot box. Some of you fellows are given to flights of fancy. Have a very vivid imagination. And guess what? The government isn't going to come for the guns. Not in our lifetime.
You're the one given to flights of fancy, and (second verse same as the first) you convince yourself that your fantasies are mine. What difference does it make when they come for the guns? I guess as long as you die before it happens then you can stay secure in your denial up to your moment of death. Some of us care about the world we leave behind.

I guess you haven't seen posts I've made regarding the current attempts to take our guns. (Plausible deniability, I get it, if you "didn't know" you can't be blamed for standing by and letting it happen). All it'll take is Clarence Thomas kicking the bucket, and the supreme court won't stop the gun grab.

So the commies have figured out how to take our guns away?



Well-Known Member
No, I see people standing up and saying no. I have no desire to see a civil war and I don't believe half of the things you're suggesting will come to pass. A lot of this is fantasy that people buy into for whatever reason. The reality on the ground is the middle class is shrinking and people are angry about their situation. But things may change. Or they may get worse. But as long as we have 100 million gun owners and a dedicated military even Biden, AOC and company will eventually pass. Have faith in your country. It has been through a lot worse than overgrown children wanting freebies.
Tex, I would suggest we are in the midst of a civil war as we speak. The weapons aren't arms currently, they are definitely radical ideas by radicals seeking to demolish our foundation and the principles of our Republic, as well as the historical norms of mankind.

I identify myself as a potted plant. a fern.


Well-Known Member
Not in our lifetime
Ours or your's, highly unlikey you will be drawing a breath in 10 years, likely the same for me.

That said, the push incrementally will be gun control, the last stop being confiscation if required.
My opinion.

My further opinion is that will never occur in this nation wtlhout an armed shooting civil war.
My opinion.

Not in my lifetime either, certainly if the left keeps pushing, it will be within our childrens lifetime.
My opinion as well, I'm certain of that, if our children value their freedom.


Well-Known Member
I already explained that about concentration camps. Any camp that people are forced into without due process fits the bill. But I changed it in one post to a more palatable euphemism so you could save face for blowing the entire thing out of proportion, then try to say I was making those insane claims. They built "health isolation facilities", just like the Germans did.

Maybe not that far-fetched, detaining me with no due process isn’t all that different than putting me in a camp against my will, and constitutional rights.

Clearly the “government” doesn’t believe in our rights, they believe they can sign a piece of paper and get rid of them at a moments notice.

Detention authority

The records indicate that at least one presidential emergency action document pertained to the suspension of habeas corpus. An internal memorandum from June 2008 specified that a document under the Justice Department’s jurisdiction was “till being revised by OLC [Office of Legal Counsel], in light of recent Supreme Court opinion.” Examining the Court’s rulings over the previous months, it is evident that this must refer to the landmark decision in Boumediene v. Bush, which recognized Guantanamo Bay prisoners’ constitutional right to challenge their detention in court. This strongly suggests that the early–Cold War PEADs purporting to suspend habeas corpus had survived, at least in some form, and were part of the Bush administration’s review.

The result of the administration’s post-Boumediene revision is unknown. Significantly, though, it doesn’t appear that any emergency action documents were withdrawn or cancelled. To the contrary, eight PEADs were added, bringing the total number to 56.