

Well-Known Member
If this was Christian’s showing up with their bibles in a church group trying to pray the gay away peacefully on the sidewalk or whatever as the gays went past, I’d have no problem with it.
These were nazis ready for violence showing up to set off trouble.
Yeah, because you would've had the chance to say all kinds of vile things to those Christians knowing they wouldn't do anything. The reason idiots who prance around like Nazis exist is because idiots who prance around like pervs provoke them. In your world you have the right to provoke but they don't have the right to resist. Got news for you Nancy, as this country becomes less white and more decadent you're going to see more right extremist backlash. That's not approving of their actions, it's just pointing out reality. And what usually happens is two groups show up, start hurling insults at each other, and violence ensues. Trump tried to placate everyone by saying there's good people on both sides, but people don't want to hear that. Whichever side you're on the other side are the evil doers.

El Correcto

god is dead
They've done these dorky cosplay gatherings multiple times without violence, but because the Washington comPost says they were going to be violent, you believe it.
Why do they feel the need to bring shields and a smoke bomb?
What were they prepared to happened? What was their intent of going there?

These are all questioned that will be answered in a court of law and a criminal investigation.


I'm a star
Why do they feel the need to bring shields and a smoke bomb?
What were they prepared to happened? What was their intent of going there?

These are all questioned that will be answered in a court of law and a criminal investigation.

If you actually read their website you would know. They believe the police/government are failing to keep the communists it check. They have gone to and participated in multiple parades and protests, they bring the riot gear to help defend themselves against the apparently highly likely of unchecked rioting breaking out at the events they go to counter-protest. They claim their goal is the defense of life, maybe It's only the life they deem worthy of defense but that's still their right.

Assuming these guys are who they say they are, they wouldn't have any justification to exist with the goals they claim to have if the government/police didn't let cities be burnt to the ground and looted for months on end. There's a reason these groups are called reactionary.

Anyway, you've done a perfect job of showing off, unironically, the progression of thought that we are all pretty sure the establishment is hoping for. Linking anyone who stands up for their rights and the rights of others to Neo-Nazi terror organizations, thus making it acceptable to hate them and unperson them. You are proving our point for us.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s not surprising to me coming from a man who honestly believe Russia is a bastion of western ideology because the authoritarian atheists have learned the value of Christ when controlling a population.


Inordinately Right
Why do they feel the need to bring shields and a smoke bomb?
The same reason they brought them to their other peaceful gatherings?
What were they prepared to happened?
Be attacked by leftists for their beliefs?
What was their intent of going there?
To protest?
These are all questioned that will be answered in a court of law and a criminal investigation.
These are questions that need answers before you arrest people, not after.


I'm a star
It’s not surprising to me coming from a man who honestly believe Russia is a bastion of western ideology because the authoritarian atheists have learned the value of Christ when controlling a population.

Lol. It always amazes me how other people twist the things I say. Almost like they're projecting their own nuttiness into me.

El Correcto

god is dead
Lol. It always amazes me how other people twist the things I say. Almost like they're projecting their own nuttiness into me.

You sit around spouting Russia propaganda about Donbas and anti-nato sentiment then want to pretend you don’t?


I'm a star

You sit around spouting Russia propaganda about Donbas and anti-nato sentiment then want to pretend you don’t?

No, everything I said comes from completely interested sources, and is all factual. What's funny is the way you twist what I said to try to discredit me. You should be embarassed for still supporting NATO.

El Correcto

god is dead
I know, you love wholesale slaughter of people in third world nations to make defense contractors wealthier. Go nuke a goat herd in Tajikistan.
That isn’t what we are talking about. You support Russia over NATO. You think Russia is more western than nato.
You’re happy the “Christian’s” control the Russia gulags now.

Very happy for you peckerwood.