
El Correcto

god is dead
Did these men have a permit to peacefully assemble and counter protest? Or were they showing up with smoke bombs and armored up to cause trouble at a peaceful assembly?

I wish more trouble makers with extreme political views were arrested. That’s how it’s always been in this society. It will get them attention brought to their views and if society agrees with them people will flock to them.

You people are more than welcome to join patriot front if that is how you feel. Show your support for them, stand by their ideology if you wish to.
It’s not gonna win in the end, there are no winners in fascism even if they do overthrow the government or whatever other nonsense they are attempting.


Well-Known Member
I’m not smearing you morons as white supremacists. You’re smearing yourselves sticking up for white supremacist fascists just because you agree with their religious views I guess?

It’s very silly to me they run around worshipping a jew and promoting white supremacist fascism.
Who is sticking up for anyone? If people want to meet and bitch about the country and long for the good ol' days that's their business. If they do anything to break the law they should be come down on. But in recent memory the only groups acting out on a broad scale were BLM and Antifa. Looks like very little has been done to punish them. How is that acceptable and yet you're worrying about what much smaller groups MIGHT do.

El Correcto

god is dead
Were they arrested for assembling without a permit? No.
They are on their way to an event to cause trouble, a peaceful event. They didn’t have permits to protest, they didn’t follow the laws to assemble.
No the state did not allow them to get that far because of an “anonymous” tip.

You are very silly people. I don’t mind if these dorks gather or have their voices heard. There are laws in this country about that, wether you like them or not. Society has agreed it’s a good thing. Just like those idiots that hop out on highways should be arrested, that is not lawful protest. Just like what these men were attempting was not lawful protest, it is technically a unlawful assembly(riot if it gets violent).

El Correcto

god is dead
I would say dressing prepared for a riot, with shields, face masks and a smoke grenade, then heading to an event to unlawfully assemble would be good grounds for an arrest.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t agree with blm, I don’t particularly like blm and I sure as hell don’t support their rioting.
I am a lot more sympathetic to people who show up to voice support for blacks they believe are being murdered because of systemic racism than I am a bunch of larping neo-Nazis who wish to do the same because they want blacks to be dead by systemic racism.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I would say dressing prepared for a riot, with shields, face masks and a smoke grenade, then heading to an event to unlawfully assemble would be good grounds for an arrest.
If the ‘potential’ to break the law justifies an arrest, then we can’t build enough jails to put them in.

Yeah, you’re supposed to wait until a law is actually broken before arresting someone.

El Correcto

god is dead
So, no is the answer you avoided?
I didn’t avoid it at all.
You’re just delusional when it comes to anything fascist or white supremacists.
You need to lay off the 4chan bud.


Inordinately Right
I didn’t avoid it at all.
You’re just delusional when it comes to anything fascist or white supremacists.
You need to lay off the 4chan bud.
I'm in favor of freedom of speech.
You're not apparently.
But I'm the fascist?
Mkay then.

El Correcto

god is dead
If the ‘potential’ to break the law justifies an arrest, then we can’t build enough jails to put them in.

Yeah, you’re supposed to wait until a law is actually broken before arresting someone.
This wasn’t even minority report styled we can see the future and arrested them a week prior.
This was them literally on the way armed to riot and unlawfully gather. You people are very delusional and these bad faith arguments don’t get you anywhere.


nowhere special
This wasn’t even minority report styled we can see the future and arrested them a week prior.
This was them literally on the way armed to riot and unlawfully gather. You people are very delusional and these bad faith arguments don’t get you anywhere.
Armed? Shields are defensive. Plus 1 smoke bomb.

El Correcto

god is dead
Armed? Shields are defensive. Plus 1 smoke bomb.
Why do they need to be defensive? What might they set off with their unlawful gathering and plan on participating in? What do police usually bring to riots?

Unlike these hateful pricks police have a right to be at a riot.


nowhere special
Why do they need to be defensive? What might they set off with their unlawful gathering and plan on participating in? What do police usually bring to riots?
View attachment 390992
Unlike these hateful pricks police have a right to be at a riot.
Did they create the riot? Have they ever done anything violent?

Oh yeah. Mean words. Unlike Antifa and BLM that love to burn down cities.

It is only a handful of nuts with more FBI plants than dupes. Odd how the FBI always know what they are going to do before they do anything isn't it?