

Well-Known Member
One more thing. I see @zubenelgenubi getting a lot of flack for being concerned about concentration camps.

The first step is for a government to ask its citizens to mask up and not to go go out. They encourage you to take a vaccine. Then, as we have seen, they closed schools and businesses that weren't "essential". Then, they tried to force employers to fire the unvaccinated. All here in the USA. In Canada, they froze the bank accounts of those who protested against these abuses and those who donated towards them.

Let's say they were sucessfully able to force employers to fire the unvaccinated. And people still were pushing back. What do they have left to do? Fine them, and finally, lock them up. It's just the logical progression of this tyranny and madness.

When someone kidnaps you, it's a serious matter, even if they let you go 5 mins later unharmed. Should we let them kidnap us, because they probably won't rape and kill us or take us hostage? I hope that last example makes sense, I can explain further if not.
China has locked down millions for months. The result? Millions are in the streets protesting, possibly toppling the government.

Can they do the same in the U.S.? When the Chinese lock down people almost all are in apartment buildings. In the U.S. the majority of people are in individual houses. And there are a lot of guns out there, unlike China. Our lock downs during Covid weren't the same as what is happening in China. Not by a long shot.

There's simply no way our government can round up tens of millions of people and put them in concentration camps. And when I pointed that out before I put it forth that the logistics of feeding and housing that many people would expose what was going on(it was going to be done in secret supposedly) and was told they weren't going to be fed. In other words death camps.

The U.S. will have to devolve a great deal further before any such thing will happen. This is fear mongering, driven by hatred of the other side. I think there's a lot of craziness on the other side, and it should be resisted. But the idea they're monsters looking to kill us all is usually the product of extremists who have their own agenda. Beware of instigators. They want others to do what they themselves won't do.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
China has locked down millions for months. The result? Millions are in the streets protesting, possibly toppling the government.

Can they do the same in the U.S.? When the Chinese lock down people almost all are in apartment buildings. In the U.S. the majority of people are in individual houses. And there are a lot of guns out there, unlike China. Our lock downs during Covid weren't the same as what is happening in China. Not by a long shot.

There's simply no way our government can round up tens of millions of people and put them in concentration camps. And when I pointed that out before I put it forth that the logistics of feeding and housing that many people would expose what was going on(it was going to be done in secret supposedly) and was told they weren't going to be fed. In other words death camps.

The U.S. will have to devolve a great deal further before any such thing will happen. This is fear mongering, driven by hatred of the other side. I think there's a lot of craziness on the other side, and it should be resisted. But the idea they're monsters looking to kill us all is usually the product of extremists who have their own agenda. Beware of instigators. They want others to do what they themselves won't do.
And you are oblivious to the potential of your government to crush its opponents.

Better to suffer from paranoia than at the hands of despots.


Well-Known Member
And you are oblivious to the potential of your government to crush its opponents.

Better to suffer from paranoia than at the hands of despots.
It will take armies on fields. There isn't enough manpower in the Federal government to accomplish this. We aren't talking small ball FBI raids. And yes I'd rather not be paranoid about all the what ifs.


I'm a star
One more thing. I see @zubenelgenubi getting a lot of flack for being concerned about concentration camps.

The first step is for a government to ask its citizens to mask up and not to go go out. They encourage you to take a vaccine. Then, as we have seen, they closed schools and businesses that weren't "essential". Then, they tried to force employers to fire the unvaccinated. All here in the USA. In Canada, they froze the bank accounts of those who protested against these abuses and those who donated towards them.

Let's say they were sucessfully able to force employers to fire the unvaccinated. And people still were pushing back. What do they have left to do? Fine them, and finally, lock them up. It's just the logical progression of this tyranny and madness.

When someone kidnaps you, it's a serious matter, even if they let you go 5 mins later unharmed. Should we let them kidnap us, because they probably won't rape and kill us or take us hostage? I hope that last example makes sense, I can explain further if not.

China has built and forced people into quarantine camps, and locked them into their homes. Fauci admits to wanting to follow China's model. But no. We can't talk about the steps being taken to make the US like China, because that would be crazy. Lol.


I'm a star
And you are oblivious to the potential of your government to crush its opponents.

Better to suffer from paranoia than at the hands of despots.

I'm not paranoid. I'm simply pointing out what should already be obvious to anyone who doesn't have their head planted firmly in the sand. I enjoy the persecution that comes with telling the truth. Means I'm doing something right.


Well-Known Member
China has built and forced people into quarantine camps, and locked them into their homes. Fauci admits to wanting to follow China's model. But no. We can't talk about the steps being taken to make the US like China, because that would be crazy. Lol.
We aren't anywhere near what China is doing. It's ludicrous to say this is where the government is taking us. If they were even going to attempt such a thing it would have been done at the height of the pandemic and would require the cooperation of all the governors and the military to enforce it. Never happened, wasn't even suggested. A bureaucrat admiring what China was doing doesn't translate into a grand plan to enslave us all, kill us all, whatever you think they were trying to do.


Well-Known Member
I'm not paranoid. I'm simply pointing out what should already be obvious to anyone who doesn't have their head planted firmly in the sand. I enjoy the persecution that comes with telling the truth. Means I'm doing something right.
Apparently you enjoy the derision that comes with your paranoid delusions too. Rock on.


Well-Known Member
China has locked down millions for months. The result? Millions are in the streets protesting, possibly toppling the government.

Can they do the same in the U.S.? When the Chinese lock down people almost all are in apartment buildings. In the U.S. the majority of people are in individual houses. And there are a lot of guns out there, unlike China. Our lock downs during Covid weren't the same as what is happening in China. Not by a long shot.

There's simply no way our government can round up tens of millions of people and put them in concentration camps. And when I pointed that out before I put it forth that the logistics of feeding and housing that many people would expose what was going on(it was going to be done in secret supposedly) and was told they weren't going to be fed. In other words death camps.

The U.S. will have to devolve a great deal further before any such thing will happen. This is fear mongering, driven by hatred of the other side. I think there's a lot of craziness on the other side, and it should be resisted. But the idea they're monsters looking to kill us all is usually the product of extremists who have their own agenda. Beware of instigators. They want others to do what they themselves won't do.
You make a good point. It would be very unlikely, maybe downright impossible for the federal government to do this to tens of millions. But what about forced isolation for those that test positive? That is also a possiblity and much like a concentration camp, however temporary.

I think what we're trying to say is exactly this: Don't accept mandates or lockdowns, because who knows how far they will go?


Well-Known Member
You make a good point. It would be very unlikely, maybe downright impossible for the federal government to do this to tens of millions. But what about forced isolation for those that test positive? That is also a possiblity and much like a concentration camp, however temporary.

I think what we're trying to say is exactly this: Don't accept mandates or lockdowns, because who knows how far they will go?
At this point more are dying who are vaccinated. And the virus is a lot less lethal. So the pandemic is essentially over. If an Ebola like virus hits us there will be no choice but to isolate whoever gets it as it kills most who get it and in a very bad way. I think most people understand the reality of that.


Well-Known Member
Some red meat for you guys to chew on.



Well-Known Member
Covid was the third leading cause of deaths in the US in 2021-2022.

According to WaPo, 16% of the population is age 65 & older. That same demographic accounted for 9 out of 10 Covid deaths in the past year.

United States insurance companies paid out $100B in life insurance claims in '21-22, the most since the 1918 Influenza plague.

Keep on owning the fragile libs with the fake pandemic.


I'm a star
Covid was the third leading cause of deaths in the US in 2021-2022.
You mean unsafe covid gene therapy.

According to WaPo, 16% of the population is age 65 & older. That same demographic accounted for 9 out of 10 Covid deaths in the past year.
No one believes that covid isn't added to cause of deaths for monetary gain.

United States insurance companies paid out $100B in life insurance claims in '21-22, the most since the 1918 Influenza plague.

Because of the unsafe gene therapy.
Keep on owning the fragile libs with the fake pandemic.

Show me numbers that were based on tests that actually detect covid. You guys can't even get that right.


Well-Known Member
You mean unsafe covid gene therapy.

No one believes that covid isn't added to cause of deaths for monetary gain.

Because of the unsafe gene therapy.

Show me numbers that were based on tests that actually detect covid. You guys can't even get that right.
There's no proof I can offer as you'll doubt all numbers. Even excess deaths are no proof for you.



I'm a star
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I'm a star
If you think everything is normal, that masks should be outlawed, vaccinations stopped and treatments stopped: you keep fighting that fight.

You mean for freedom and against ignorance, lies and tyranny? You bet I will. Your feeble attempt to make me sound unreasonable would mean something if you could answer any simple question I pose.

Tell me, what's the appropriate number of times "authorities" have to be caught lying for a reasonable person to doubt everything they say? I say once.


Well-Known Member
If you think everything is normal, that masks should be outlawed, vaccinations stopped and treatments stopped: you keep fighting that fight.
It's been proven that the masks most people wear aren't effective against Covid. And currently not only are Covid deaths way down but of those who die the majority had been vaccinated. At this point do you believe that there's still a pandemic and that people should still get vaccinated with a vaccine that has been proven doesn't prevent infection?


Bad Moon Risen'
China has built and forced people into quarantine camps, and locked them into their homes. Fauci admits to wanting to follow China's model. But no. We can't talk about the steps being taken to make the US like China, because that would be crazy. Lol.
Unlike China, this country is perfect.

Oh, wait. Didn't we intern thousands of Japanese Americans during the war?