

Well-Known Member
Yes the Fed plans to take all your rights away with your federal government leading the charge with CBDC. I’m glad you’re not worried about it because you’re like the only one that’s not. The amount of intrusion into your life will be so extreme we might as well not even have a constitution if it goes through


Well-Known Member
This isn’t true? Does that assume I don’t want there to be a federal government or that I don’t want them to overstep their authority? The founding fathers would’ve ran you out on a rail.
But I am glad you took enough time to search through my posts and learn some thing, because you my friend need to learn a lot, you are that what you say you hate. Have a great weekend feel free to peruse my posts and learn more.


Well-Known Member
This isn’t true? Does that assume I don’t want there to be a federal government or that I don’t want them to overstep their authority? The founding fathers would’ve ran you out on a rail.
But I am glad you took enough time to search through my posts and learn some thing, because you my friend need to learn a lot, you are that what you say you hate. Have a great weekend feel free to peruse my posts and learn more.
Actually I'm finding your posts amusing. Will probably pull them up on bad weather days and the satellite tv is down.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm finding your posts amusing. Will probably pull them up on bad weather days and the satellite tv is down.
Excellent. You would actually love me. I’ve read every book from Mark Levin, and listen to Rush Limbaugh from 1992 until his death.
I enjoy listening to every side.


Well-Known Member
That's ridiculous.


Strength through joy

  • Officials say over-65s who receive the bivalent shot suffer increased stroke risk
  • Leading regulators still recommend the Covid booster shot to Americans
  • Ischemic strokes are caused when artery blockages deny blood to the brain


Well-Known Member

  • Officials say over-65s who receive the bivalent shot suffer increased stroke risk
  • Leading regulators still recommend the Covid booster shot to Americans
  • Ischemic strokes are caused when artery blockages deny blood to the brain
It’s still recommended L O L