
Next Day Error

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If most of the unvaccinated didn't die from an extremely contagious disease then how are you certain that lives were saved by vaccination? And how are you certain there aren't serious side effects killing otherwise healthy people now?
In the same way that the flu vaccine can be demonstrated to save lives and trips to the hospital? The country is one big interventional trial, basically.


Well-Known Member
In the same way that the flu vaccine can be demonstrated to save lives and trips to the hospital? The country is one big interventional trial, basically.
Outside of the elderly though was it necessary to vaccinate everyone? Insist small children be vaccinated? We went through most of 2020 with no vaccine. Who was being affected? It certainly wasn't children or young, healthy adults.

Next Day Error

X - Other
Outside of the elderly though was it necessary to vaccinate everyone? Insist small children be vaccinated? We went through most of 2020 with no vaccine. Who was being affected? It certainly wasn't children or young, healthy adults.
Part of it was the known safety profile. Not a lot of risk for a potentially huge gain in the face of a relatively new virus that was undergoing a lot of mutation. Better safe than sorry, essentially. We didn’t know the full extent of “long Covid” and are only now coming to grips with its effect. If we could save a lot of long-term health problems with safe vaccines and boosters then vaccination of all people makes the most sense.


Well-Known Member
Part of it was the known safety profile. Not a lot of risk for a potentially huge gain in the face of a relatively new virus that was undergoing a lot of mutation. Better safe than sorry, essentially. We didn’t know the full extent of “long Covid” and are only now coming to grips with its effect. If we could save a lot of long-term health problems with safe vaccines and boosters then vaccination of all people makes the most sense.
Big if though. The vaccines didn't stop infection or transmission to others. What would've been found out with proper trials.


Well-Known Member
The virus mutated. Delta changed all that, then omicron. The vaccine’s benefits still far outweighs the risk. Ask your doctor
With people dropping dead all over the world and most unvaccinated not dying from Covid I'd say getting vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines is like playing Russian roulette.


Well-Known Member
Where do you get your information from?

A Google search using your words says otherwise.

Simple math. How many people total in the U.S. officially died from Covid? We know from recent admissions that the number reported was over inflated. OK, now how many tens of millions didn't get vaccinated? We know that the virus is extremely contagious so it's safe to say it ran through the unvaccinated too. Was it safer for the elderly and others with serious ailments to get vaccinated. Appears to be. But the virus caused very little harm to children and young, healthy adults. But we do know that excess deaths, numbers well above the norm pre-pandemic and not caused by Covid, are occurring. Many among otherwise healthy young adults. Better hope those are anomalies and aren't going to keep increasing.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Simple math. How many people total in the U.S. officially died from Covid? We know from recent admissions that the number reported was over inflated. OK, now how many tens of millions didn't get vaccinated? We know that the virus is extremely contagious so it's safe to say it ran through the unvaccinated too. Was it safer for the elderly and others with serious ailments to get vaccinated. Appears to be. But the virus caused very little harm to children and young, healthy adults. But we do know that excess deaths, numbers well above the norm pre-pandemic and not caused by Covid, are occurring. Many among otherwise healthy young adults. Better hope those are anomalies and aren't going to keep increasing.
The word 'know' is doing some heavy lifting in your statement.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Ok. Newsflash: People die all the time. They’re not dying from the vaccine.
You don't seem to get that we're having excess deaths. More than we had before the pandemic and these deaths aren't being caused by Covid. All over the world young adults are dropping dead. A member of the British Parliament brought it up this week in session. Y'all are so invested in defending the vaccines that you don't seem to want to admit there may be something terribly wrong going on because of them.


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to get that we're having excess deaths. More than we had before the pandemic and these deaths aren't being caused by Covid. All over the world young adults are dropping dead. A member of the British Parliament brought it up this week in session. Y'all are so invested in defending the vaccines that you don't seem to want to admit there may be something terribly wrong going on because of them.
That is correct and it’s very possible it does not affect everyone but certain segments of people, which is the reason why you do the proper testing to catch this sort thing. A normal vaccine takes anywhere between five and 10 years to properly test. No amount of numbers or word manipulation can make up for the number of years that were missed in this testing. Everyone in the world is the test group who took the shot. I don’t think most people realized they signed up to be a pharmaceutical guinea pig. Personally, that’s the biggest issue I have with it. If the first thing you have to do is tell me a half truths/or half the story, to get me to buy or take something I really don’t think your trust worthy.


Well-Known Member
Watch the first ad normal pharmaceutical ad then watch the next two and ask yourself why there’s absolutely no fast talking lawyer at the end of the last two telling you about any side effects at all nor to ask your doctor about any. There’s no such thing as any drug with zero side effects. This is 100% propaganda.


Gotta Go

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