

I'm a star
trump had three things(testing, telling the public to social distance and states, cities, businesses to stop public gatherings early on, and get medical equipment) that had he done any one of those things effectively, it would have made this less of an absolute tragedy. He failed to do any of them. His China travel ban, which he And his fans have been Pretending was great by touting it constantly, was an utter failure. 430,000 came from China after the ban and are still coming. What an utter failure.

Does repeating it three times make your opinion sound more legitimate?
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Well-Known Member
I’ll say it again, there are voters, who voted for both GWBush and Trump, whose incompetence cost the lives of thousands of Americans and whose incompetence destroyed the economy. These voters have twice elected two of the worst presidents in American history. I keep hoping there is some level of introspection, guilt, shame, regret, sadness at what they have done to this nation yet again. I hope GWBush and trump voters ask themselves why do they keep electing people who badly hurt this nation and their fellow citizens.


Well-Known Member
Does repeating it three times make your opinion sound more legitimate?
Not an opinion. Trump failed to do those any of those three things. Please show any evidence he took steps to do any of those things. Also what about his China travel ban failure?
trump voters/fans have a difficult time processing objective reality repetition helps them.


nowhere special


I'm a star
Not an opinion. Trump failed to do those any of those three things. Please show any evidence he took steps to do any of those things. Also what about his China travel ban failure?
trump voters/fans have a difficult time processing objective reality repetition helps them.

You didn't even get the numbers right. The ban was set in place on February 1st. Only 40k have come from China since then. In contrast, 430k have entered the US from China since China first reported the virus on December 31st. That means 390k entered in the month of January alone, and only 40k in the last two months. All this while the Democrats in the house have been trying to limit Presidential power to impose travel restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Pointing out objective reality which makes trump looks bad is an issue for delusional trump fans. trump’s China travel ban has allowed 430,000 people from China to come to America after it was put in place and they are still coming. so I’ll ask again what are trump fans even defending at this point? 430,000 people and counting from China? No early testing even though other nation’s has it, didn’t lead on social distancing and shutting down large public gatherings, and didn’t get enough medical equipment?

What did trump do in aNy way to make this Coranavirus Thing less terrible? What a complete failure by trump.
I’ll say it again, there are voters, who voted for both GWBush and Trump, whose incompetence cost the lives of thousands of Americans and whose incompetence destroyed the economy. These voters have twice elected two of the worst presidents in American history. I keep hoping there is some level of introspection, guilt, shame, regret, sadness at what they have done to this nation yet again. I hope GWBush and trump voters ask themselves why do they keep electing people who badly hurt this nation and their fellow citizens.
I'm sure Hillary would have done a much better job........


I'm a star
Pointing out objective reality which makes trump looks bad is an issue for delusional trump fans. trump’s China travel ban has allowed 430,000 people from China to come to America after it was put in place and they are still coming. so I’ll ask again what are trump fans even defending at this point? 430,000 people and counting from China? No early testing even though other nation’s has it, didn’t lead on social distancing and shutting down large public gatherings, and didn’t get enough medical equipment?

What did trump do in aNy way to make this Coranavirus Thing less terrible? What a complete failure by trump.

If you got any facts right, your opinion might be worth something. I guess I could print your posts out and use them as emergency toilet paper when I run out. That's something.


Well-Known Member
You didn't even get the numbers right. The ban was set in place on February 1st. Only 40k have come from China since then. In contrast, 430k have entered the US from China since China first reported the virus on December 31st. That means 390k entered in the month of January alone, and only 40k in the last two months. All this while the Democrats in the house have been trying to limit Presidential power to impose travel restrictions.

trump fans can’t pretend to care about facts, you support fact free trump, like the president gets to be very inaccurate to the point of lying and you still Think he should be president, but an anonymous internet person you are gonna want to get the facts straight. Apply that standard to trump or it doesn’t matter. Right now trump fans are lying saying no one took the threat of the virus seriously after for the last two months saying the media and democrats were trying to take down trump with the coronavirus hoax. trump fans can take that level of dishonesty and incompetence in stride to still support trump and not care about al, the stuff trump said that isn’t true at all. trump said the virus would go away soon back in February. trump said we had this virus contained. Is he still credible after being so wrong?

I want trump fans to defend trump’s failure China travel ban. I want y’all lying and pretending 40,000 let in and still coming coming from China after the supposed ban is a success. Please do it.
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Well-Known Member
If you got any facts right, your opinion might be worth something. I guess I could print your posts out and use them as emergency toilet paper when I run out. That's something.
trump fans pretending to care about facts. trump said the virus was contained. wrong. He said it would go away soon. Wrong. he said there were 15 cases soon it would be none, Wrong. trump said the coronavirus was being over hyped up by the democrats to hurt him. trump called that a hoax. Wrong

you can take all that fact free bs from trump and still support him to be president. So I’m not going to Pretend you give a damn about facts. Hold trump to the same standard of being fact free you want to hold an anonymous internet person or stop pretending you care about facts
This is the nihilism and dishonesty of trump fans, supposedly y’all voted for trump to be better, yet all y’all are doing is justifying his failures by saying what others would or wouldn’t have done. Your imagination doesn’t matter, trump failed.
how about all the governors that refused to quarantine their people and just let this stuff spread like wildfire how about them people?


Well-Known Member
Spell, 42, who plans to hold three services at his 1,000-member Life Tabernacle megachurch in a Baton Rouge suburb on Palm Sunday, has defied state orders against assembling in large groups and has already been hit with six misdemeanors.

"The church is the last force resisting the Antichrist, let us assemble regardless of what anyone says," he said.

For Spell and others, the public health orders are a threat to religious freedoms and constitutional rights.

"Satan's trying to keep us apart, he's trying to keep us from worshipping together. But we're not going to let him win," Kelly Burton, pastor at Lone Star Baptist Church in Lone Star, Texas, wrote in a post on Facebook.

The Americans defying Palm Sunday quarantines: "Satan's trying to keep us apart"

there are constitutional issues with what is going on . I'm sure there will be challenges to the loss of rights that will make it to the supreme court


Well-Known Member
First 5 " facts" occurred AS tRump was saying it is all under control nobody worry, I've got this under control.

The 6th "fact" is in response to them realizing TRump was lying through his yellow teeth.

Cause and effect baby.

no spin or nonsense today
