
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It's kind disturbing that we laugh about this horror just to survive it but we are far from close to zero Since we have to save ourselves there is no point in listening to Trump but I would vote for Cuomo for president.
So you are attracted to "Cult of Personality" people?
He has been emoting well and deflecting even better.
I never heard of him before the COVID-19 crisis.
His record is a bit chequered from my listening to MSNBC.


Well-Known Member
We will probably hit 12 thousand deaths by Tuesday at the latest. Your H1N1 numbers are for an entire year. Got anything else?
Still scared?
Fear is not becoming of you tough guy.
Don't try to play the "I care about others card" either.

Everything about you is a calculation.
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Well-Known Member
Pandemic - a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Hope this helps ... you're looking pretty ignorant.
Is it that friend:censored2:king hard to google 'pandemic'?

Hope this helps....your looking pretty ignorant ( A.K.A. tRumptard)

It is hard for you to google pandemic



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
China lied, people died.
Democrats stand with China.

Lol its the TRump Virus we're talking about here. Trumpettes will say anything to deflect from that fact!

No he did not.
Anyone who believes that is either an idiot or a liar. In your case it's probably both.

Even when proof of a fact is literally shoved in your face the mindless will regurgitate the lies from tRump.